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Everything posted by wjag

  1. Glad I drafted him. 6-0 now.... Make that 7-0
  2. Taking the son out to early vote tomorrow. Time to vote for something...No way her and never him... Strictly voting down ballot. This is the 10th vote I will have cast for President and never have I been more repulsed by my choices, from top to bottom, left to right.
  3. Sorry.... I deleted the post.. I promised to stay out of this. I'll go back on mute... Sorry. It was out of line on my part. It won't happen again.
  4. As I was working out today and watching CNN, they were again showing the two candidates rip into each other's character. I got to thinking that when Hillary is elected, she will enter office as the most disliked President, possibly in history. Associated with her name will be "liar", "crook", "nasty woman" and a whole host of other unflattering names and monikers. I ask myself again, why would anyone want to go through this? Sure you get free room, board and transportation but all that was gotten at the expense of your name and reputation.
  5. Not Romney, he has been rejected once already. He could not beat the softest of incumbents since Carter. But as has been discussed upthread, it would be the other Mormon.
  6. No way O-ba-bye would pardon her if she wins. It would have the effect of confirming her guilt. Now if she loses, then I could see him doing it.
  7. So I was just listening to Clinton in Eastern Carolina, she is literally promising the moon. Her only strategy she told the crowd to pay for things is to tax the 1%ers. Free college, 25B black college fund, reduce student load debt, increase the minimum wage, infrastructure, on and on and on she goes. Sounds great. No chance, as in zero chance she will be able to deliver any of that. It strikes me that if the demigods knew how to fix the economy, wouldn't they be doing it now?
  8. I watch a heavy does of CNN, almost too much, and I can honestly say, they try to be balanced; but they do seem to have more left leaning panelists. Could very well be they have a hard time getting conservatives to go on the air and defend the GOP these days. I saw the Clinton News Network quip the other day and liked it.
  9. On CNN's front page, you know, the Clinton News Network, there are six different paths for Trump to get to 270. In all six cases, he needs Florida and Ohio. He misses either of them, you can shut the TV off at 9p on Tuesday.
  10. @1300, 5 units on Sabres
  11. Welcome to chaos, do you have a reservation?
  12. I've watched them both, they aren't that much different. This has devolved into an "anybody but him/her". She stopped criticizing him on policy months ago and made it all about character and he was always there,
  13. I'm going to argue out of both sides of my mouth on this one, as I am an advocate for the ACA. I agree with your point that premiums were supposed to go down for families. What I have read is that the system only works if you can swell the ranks with young, healthy individuals that essentially pay and need no services to offset the older, more sicker population. When I was in my twenties, I had health insurance and never used it. When I got married and had a family, I use it all the time. So what they appear to have underestimated was the walking wounded population that surged the ranks and the walking well that did not come in. You could certainly argue that they should have seen that coming.
  14. I sure hope the stock market gets out of its funk.
  15. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2071
  16. Every incoming administration gets to blame the other for ~ six months. In Obama's defense, he entered with a big mess. I almost typed, "he inherited" a big mess, but the reality is he knew what he was getting into and wanted it anyway. So he gets no sympathy from me on that score. I voted for him in 2008 and ran away from him in 2012.
  17. Be careful, this place is rigged.
  18. Yep.. This was a big loss.
  19. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a bonafide win streak.
  20. Moving off of IR should be immediate
  21. Comey
  22. I'll say this about the 2016 election, regardless of how it turns out, it will go down in history as one of the most memorable.
  23. Yes that is. Not sure I understand it all or the implications of it though.
  24. ABC News had Clinton +12 one week ago and now has Trump +1. They were discussing the potential of a split decision, she with the electoral college and he with the popular vote. I can't see that happening, especially when she turns out the East and West Coast city votes, but it is getting more interesting by the day.
  25. It was fascinating watching the Democrats this weekend vilify the man they just finishing praising, and often quoted, just a few short weeks ago. And conversely watching the Republicans fall over themselves praising the man they were also vilifying just a few short weeks ago. Beware the double edge sword that is the FBI.
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