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Everything posted by wjag
Saw that... I wasn't certain how I felt about him and his movement. I am now.
That's one way to clear room for the new Bills Stadium
Something tells me that that will not be one of the things he goes after. Just a hunch..
I'm raising two of them. Makes for some really interesting conversations about life, love and the pursuit of happiness. Every generation believes the ones before them and after them have screwed things up..
Now that I got some sleep and have had a chance to let this sink in....... I'm still in a state of shock that 'we' did this as a country. Ryan called it the greatest political feat and I have to agree with him. What Trump did is really unprecedented. He thumbed his nose at the GOP frequently openly attacking members of his own party. He largely 'self' funded his campaign. He attacked every rival with an unrelenting barrage of name calling and belittling. He is the first to break precedence regarding tax returns. The list goes on and on and on. He made up stuff everyday and said whatever the heck he wanted. He never apologized for anything. The more outlandish he got, the more the media fell all over themselves to cover it and the more emboldened he made the rural vote. This is pure insanity and pure genius. Trump's entanglement with the law and his companies is going to make for some interesting ethics, history, legal and morality discussions for years to come.. And you just know there is more out there to come out. What I heard on ABC News this AM from a legal expert is that no matter how the 28 lawsuits he is currently involved in end, it can't effect his standing as President. Only what he does in office would be considered impeachable.
If I had a guess I would go with: 1. Repeal a good chunk of Obama's EO, not all, but a good chunk 2. Immediately name that judge from Utah to the Supreme Court 3. Rip up NAFTA and enter into negotiations with Canada and Mexico 4. Invest in electronic hardware to build a wall, rather than brick and mortar 5. Add 10K border security guards 6. Rebuild Kennedy Airport as an example of what a world class airport should look like 7. Pass a massive highway bill 8. Simplify the tax code 9. Something, something, something on healthcare... 10. Play golf with Putin ************************* saw today that Hillary lost white woman without a degree 62 to 34 percent. In all the stats why she lost, you can probably start and stop here. She just didn't resonate with women in the heartland.
Thanks... That actually helps.. Maybe polling will head in the direction that Jujufish linked upthread. Social media, if you can figure out how to bust that wild bronco, might be a more realistic view of voter sentiment.
I remember asking TrueBlue a question about polling that essentially was, how could it possibly be right, if you have a bunch of first time, or infrequent, voters that are unlikely to answer the telephone/cell phone. In the age of do not call lists, who answers polls? It would interesting to see if anyone on here actually participates in online or over the phone polling. I was suspicious of the poll numbers, but I had no basis to be other than gut feeling. If you are calling the same people back, how can you possibly get diversity in opinion or an actual gauge of the public sentiment?
On CNN.. Trump got less votes than McCain did and Romney did.. Both of whom got crushed
My household is an interesting microcosm of America and the voting aftermath: My son, 18 years old, first time voter, registered Democrat, went to bed believing Hillary would win. He proudly voted for her. Was shocked she didn't this AM and wanted me to explain how she lost. Everyone said she would win, in a landslide, including me. My wife, registered Democrat voted for Trump and tells me that she is shocked and dismayed that I left the box for President unchecked. She tells me in her eyes I did not vote. She really did not like Hillary. I can't begin to explain why. Nothing that came out about Trump phased her. Myself, registered Republican chose to vote anti incumbent and did not cast a vote for President for the first time ever in my voting career. I could not reconcile a vote for either candidate. I've been calling them Yuk and Yikes all season. My county went predictably for Trump, but those votes were lost in the wash for the votes in Baltimore City and the Washington suburbs that overwhelmingly went for Clinton. My youngest son, 14, freshmen in High School seemed intrigued that Trump won, but held no direct interest in the race. Talk around his school was more pro-Trump. Again we are in a deeply red county here in MD. But he is too young to really appreciate the impact a Trump presidency may have on his life good or bad. While I opine my views on here quite regularly, I really don't discuss politics at home much. I want everyone free to make up their own minds without an undue influence from me. It was that way in the house I grew up in. To this day, I do not know a single vote my parents cast for President, ever. I don't even know their party affiliation (he is gone and she is too infirm to vote these days). They were/are staunchly pro-life Catholics, so I have my suspicions. My only insistence for my family was they go to the ballot box and vote for someone/something/anything.
That was 100% true during the primaries, but not during the general election. It may not have been 50-50, but it was along way from 80-20.
I wonder what they are thinking this AM: Barack Obama Bill Clinton Mitt Romney Harry Reid Chuck Todd John Oliver Paul Ryan
Clinton about to go live
I wonder what Clinton is going to do with all those fireworks she supposedly had on a barge in the river.
Booker, Gillebrand, Murphy??
Throwing lots of things in here. Also struck by the fact that she outspent him 5-1, blistered the airways with negative ads, claimed over and over again that there ground game was far superior, had the Hollywood elite falling all over themselves to throw her million dollar dinners, had Barack, Michelle, Joe, Bill, Chelsea fanning all throughout this country, while he was essentially a one-man band.. He literally ripped up the campaign book. Cory Booker was bringing up the point that certain presidents seized the new media stuff ahead of their competition: FDR (radio), Kennedy (tv), Obama (internet and small donations) and Trump (social media). America apparently loves a tire fire (as John Oliver says). It should be interesting to see Oliver's next show.
One other thing that struck me last might as I was watching the coverage (CNN and ABC) they were really not talking much about polling data. My guess as the night was unfolding, they knew their data was horribly wrong and didn't want to further embarrass themselves by showing it. I was switching back and forth, so it is possible I missed it. The huge Latino surge that had been dutifully reported every day regarding Florida and Nevada was wrong in Florida (right in Arizona). If I was the media today, I would be suing to get their money back. They got suckered. Charlie Gibson of ABC News said my favorite line of the night, "I'm gobsmacked". Maybe the most candid assessment I saw all evening. Oh and I really like Cory Booker from Newark last night as a panelist. There is a man I could vote for. He might have been the most rationale, candid and thought provoking panelist CNN had.
I say to a degree in England, because that wasn't a change of government vote (although it resulted in one), but it had a similar effect.
Interesting play... Well done.. Wish I had thought about that one, especially that one..
Ey yi yi.. Just checked my stocks. My energy stocks are getting creamed this AM. Creamed. I'm off 3.5% and climibing
I would love to talk about what some of us have contended in this thread. 1) The polls and the media were flat out wrong? Did big data screw the media? 2) Trump was moving from state to state holding massive rallies while Clinton was wining and dining her celeb friends 3) Clinton was so sure of her Wisconsin and Michigan support that she took those states for granted I watched ABC News every morning (while on treadmill for last six months). Yesterday Dowd was so smug saying that Clinton was a 96% chance to win the Presidency. CNN same thing. Watching these guys in utter disbelief last night as the reality of what was happening was unfolding was truly amazing to me. Trump literally shocked the world, the world. I'm stunned this am.. I ask again, did 'we' really do this as a country? The pattern is playing out all over the world. I mentioned upthread that the same thing happened in Poland. The city folks were fat, dumb and happy with the direction of the country while the countryside was fuming. They came out in numbers and elected a hard right party that is turning back from NATO and realigning with the Catholic Church. Same happened in Austria and to a degree you see it in France and England. Let's talk about the causes verses getting hung up on character issues of the candidates.
I 100% agree with this. I stand firmly by my belief that he is a Democrat at heart hanging out in the GOP.
Wow... What a crazy night ... never in my wildest imagination.. What did 'we' do? Wholly cripes.. Stayed up for it all.. Stayed off of social media and just watched the drama unfold. Nate Silverberg .. you da man,,, Amazing watching ALL the media eat crow last night.. They blew it big Caught that too.. :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: I would have bet my mortgage..
I'm hoping for some drama tonight. I would love to see something unexpected happen, like Michigan too close to call. Would love for them to have to go well into the night before Florida gets called. Build the suspense.. I have plenty of popcorn.
So I was true to my word. I refused to give any candidate for President a vote. I left it blank (first time ever). I am a registered Republican, only because this state doesn't allow Independents to vote in primaries. I could never register as a Democrat, so I settle for the Republican party and I tend to vote middle to right on most issues, except for guns. I then proceeded to vote anti-incumbent across the entire ballot. If the seat was vacant, I voted against the incumbent party. I considered every ballot initiative carefully and split my votes up and down. My polling place was hopping this morning... Most people I have ever seen in there. This is a deep blue state, but I live in a deep red county. As I was driving around this morning, I realized how few campaign signs there are here. There was no one from any campaign outside of my polling place. First time I ever recall that.