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Everything posted by wjag
Tough mountain to climb with that 0-1 lead
Well it was fun while it lasted
Nice flow in this one so far
Yeah I get that. These two guys had some of THE most unflattering things to say about each other. Can't imagine how they could serve together, especially in an uneven footing.
I laughed.. My standard response to that is call a girlfriend, I buy, she shops. There is a gulf of a difference in those two methods.
It's like watching the water torture.. drip, drip, drip. The bigger the number, the more it slips away.. Maybe we can have two Presidents. One for California and New York and one for the rest of us. *************************************** So Romney is going to meet with Trump this weekend.. Sup wid dat?
I feel so much better about their chances now..
He needs a bully to whip/bend congress into/to his way of thinking. He has hired the good cop and the bad cop.
If I had my way, I would take ALL of your guns and melt them down into one big gun statue that could be seen from space. Drop it right in the middle of no-where Montana.
Just not the right ones. Sure all those NYers and Californians that are swelling that number have spoken, but the flyover states spoke louder. Much louder.
I strongly suspect you are going to see a blend. In person, nice guy, tough negotiator. When he doesn't get it going his way, he'll rally his troops through the bully pulpit and social media.
Could you be more specific? I was pretty sure when our lawyer set this up, she told us that since my son gets state medical insurance, that they expect to sweep up any assets left in this account, so don't leave any appreciable balance in there. This money comes from family donations and insurance.
I think I am right. from: http://www.naylaw.com/blog/what-happens-when-the-beneficiary-of-a-special-needs-trust-passes-away-special-needs-planning-attorney-portland-oregon/ "When a beneficiary passes away, the Trust document will set forth what happens next. The person(s) or charitable organization(s) named to receive the remaining funds in the Trust are referred to as the “remainder beneficiaries.” In the case of a Special Needs Trust, the state that provided the beneficiary with benefits must be paid first. The Trustee (the person managing the Trust) should review the Trust document carefully and confer with a lawyer to assist in performing the duties prescribed in the Trust and under state law. In Oregon, the Trustee has a duty to notify the remainder beneficiaries of the existence of the Trust, provide a copy of the Trust to them and account for all Trust assets. Generally, the Trust will instruct the Trustee to first pay the last expenses of the beneficiary and of the Trust administration (such as taxes, tax preparation fees, attorney fees). Sometimes the Trust document will instruct the Trustee to wait for a certain period of time before distributing the Trust assets to the remainder beneficiary(ies). After the bills are paid and the waiting period has lapsed, the Trustee must distribute the assets in an expedient manner."
I agree 100% with this. I took my son to the game in NJ the other night. They were B-A-D, bad. It was hard watching. They made NJ look fast and good the other night. I get it that a bunch of key cogs were out of the lineup, but with this team, they are always out of the lineup. It just doesn't seem to get better. We'll get Jack back and sure as I am writing this, we'll lose Samson. I barely watch games anymore. I will always be a fan, but in the absence of a credible hockey franchise to talk about, we'll talk about just about anything else, paper vs plastic, are the caps really melting, how old is a tortoise, etc.. We need hockey to be credible again. We need it desperately.
We have a SNT also. We are a few years ahead of you in this, age wise of our children. My son, now 18, looks like he will get approved for SSDI. A small miracle as we did this on our own, without legal assistance (although we did have legal assistance for the SNT). The ABLE account allows you to save up to 100K for their needs. And unlike a SNT, the money is theirs. If you leave money in a SNT, upon their death it reverts to the state. So we can take his SSDI, charge him room and board, and then dump that money in the ABLE account. The downside for us is that the SSDI is taxable to him (us) and the room and board is taxable on us. So in effect, we pay tax twice on that money, which ends up in his ABLE account. The big reason for doing the ABLE account is that it does not get needs tested when qualifying for SSDI, medicare, etc. The system is crazy. If we don't charge him room and board, then his potential 733/mo gets reduced by 233 dollars. If we do charge him room and board, he may get the full 733 but we get double tapped on the taxes. Money in the ABLE account also accrues interest tax free. Anyone feel free to correct this.. I am still learning/navigating through this gauntlet.
Every game left on the schedule is "winnable"..
Anyone have any direct experience, good, bad, indifferent, to opening an ABLE account? Need to do one this week and there just isn't a lot of objective advice out there on this...
I agree. One of the weird reasons I like the Bannon appointment is he lambasted the GOP. I don't recognize the GOP of today. I want to see an all out scorched earth approach to Republican policies. It barely functions as a working party. Mitch McConnell needs to go right out the door following Harry Reid. The Republicans who ran away from Trump should not now be rewarded because he won. I am so disappointed in how Congress doesn't function these days. Maybe it has always been this way and I am just noticing, but these last 8 years have been brutal. I don't like it one bit. I want to see a genuine fresh air blow through DC. That was what I thought I was voting for on George W's first term and Obama's first term. Neither materialized. I know it is a catch phrase, but the phrase that most resonated with me during this election was "drain the swamp". What passes for decorum in DC these days is every bit as embarrassing as the election cycle we just had.
Doh!! yeah him, Romney..
About time they run off two straight victories to suck us all back in..
Thinking, cogitating, ruminating and questioning so much since last Tuesday. Was Hillary's "deplorables" the campaign equivalent of Kerry's "47%" comment? Seems like it was. I know her campaign is pointing the finger at Comey, but listening to Trump last night, he said they set up the Michigan stop the day before the campaign ended. So 1 days notice and he has 31,000 people show up at 1:00 in the morning. Seems like he had the momentum for a few weeks. Another thing that struck me was something Don Jr. said. He said the pace the last two weeks was frenetic. There was no triage of where to go. He said it kind of took your breath away when instead of picking between sites, Trump said, let's do them all. His energy, for someone 70 years old, is pretty impressive.
Priebus was asked by ABCNews this AM how this power sharing was going to work with Bannon. He said they have been doing it since August. He also said the claims by the ADL were untrue in his experience/exposure to him. I can't see how this co-sharing will work. Historically one man controls access to the President. That is why the CoS job is so coveted. They control the agenda and enforce the President's intentions. It probably is the hardest, most thankless job in DC. My guess is Bannon or Priebus will be out by mid-year. You can't have two people trying to control access to the President. Trump is going to have to pick. If I was to wager a guess, I would say Bannon wins. Priebus is an olive branch to the House and Senate. He was at odds with Trump early on. We'll see. Only one of these two will survive the year.
Absolutely no worries. I have never been more unsure what the right thing to do/believe/act politically speaking in my life. I lean right, but my voting record is really bipolar. I desperately want good candidates. I voted strictly anti-incumbent this last election. It gave me no solace. I would have given her a chance, I owe it to him to give him a chance. But I'm watching him like a hawk.
Uh, no I did not. You mistake me being a Republican for "leaning" to him. I called him Yikes from the start and avowed numerous times on here that I would never vote for him. I did not vote for him. And given the chance to do it again, I still would not vote for him. He is my President now, so I am going to moderate my views. I have some deep distrust of this man that will take more than one 60 Minutes interview to overcome. Still, he seemed wholly rational to me last night. I will endeavor to keep an open mind.
He fought an insurrectionist campaign. I really was 'hoping' he would have picked Bannon for CoS. That would have been really interesting. I hear ya. Was thinking about this, this AM. Congress flees town every August. Wouldn't it be interesting to see him keep them here and work for a change? If he has the energy he exhibited during the campaign, this could make for some interesting times. Imagine having spending bills actually passed on time.. Imagine the House and Senate actually being forced to work for a living.. Pipe dreams, I know.. But it is fun to contemplate..