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Everything posted by wjag

  1. I have traveled the world and been to a truck load of places. There is no place like home. Every country has their issues. This country far and away has the best package of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness coupled with land, resources and natural beauty.
  2. My Choice for President in order Christie Sanders Kasich and if I am forced to go deeper Clinton Rubio Trump Cruz If I am forced to pick from the bottom four, I will write my own name on the ballot. There is NFW I will cast a vote for any of those bottom four. My ideal scenario is Sanders goes Independent and we have a three horse race.
  3. Today I stood on an I-95 Overpass with hundreds of others and saluted the funeral procession of our second fallen police officer. I mentioned it upthread. On a completely normal day, an elderly gentlemen went into a Paneras restaurant and sat in a booth. The family of this man had called police and alerted them to his presence. There was a restraining order and a warrant out for this man. He bought a gun, legally in PA, years and years ago, The responding Sheriff approached the man and sat down across from him in the booth. Witnesses attest that all the Sheriff said was 'how are you doing'? The man pull out a gun and fired a single shot at point blank range instantly killing the Sheriff. He ran out of the Paneras and came across a second Sheriff. Before the Sheriff could pull his gun, he shot him dead as well. Two of my town's locals gone in an instance. Additional responding officers cornered the man and terminated him. This happened during the lunch hour when many people were there to witness this. This is a restaurant I frequent for work and with family. It is an very busy plaza that includes many restaurants and a Wegmans. By all accounts, when the man bought his gun many years ago, he was living a normal life, with a family and a steady job. His life began to unravel and he shot his wife in the neck before fleeing to Florida where he has been hiding out for the last ten years or so, His reappearance in my town caused his family to panic again and they alerted the local police that he had been seen in the Paneras. For all you folks on here who contend that you are responsible gun owners, I cite this real world example of why I can't and shouldn't have to take you at your word. Life can spiral out of control to even the most well meaning of us. Prescription drug abuse, drinking, loss of job, marital problems and any of a myriad other things can cause the most well meaning and intentioned people to lose a grip and then put that grip on a pistol, AK, AR, and cause havoc. To all that would argue, if they had a gun, this would not have happened to them. Again, exhibit A, two trained policemen with guns didn't even have a chance to pull them out. This is exactly the reason I want to see the 2nd amendment repealed.I felt this way before the shooting happened in my town, but now my resolve is even greater. I don't trust you with your guns and I shouldn't have to,
  4. zyxt
  5. I've been outed... 1 Buffalo Sabres 2 Washington Capitals 3 Florida Panthers 4 Dallas Stars 5 Chicago Blackhawks 6 Calgary Flames 7 Edmonton Oilers 8 Colorado Avalanche 9 Winnipeg Jets 10 LA Kings 11 Arizona Coyotes 12 St. Louis Blues 13 New York Rangers 14 Vancouver Canucks 15 Montreal Canadiens 16 New York Islanders 17 Tampa Bay Lightning 18 Pittsburgh Penguins 19 Nashville Predators 20 Anaheim Ducks 21 San Jose Sharks 22 Detroit Red Wings 23 Columbus Blue Jackets 24 Minnesota Wild 25 Toronto Maple Leafs 26 Boston Bruins 27 Philadelphia Flyers 28 Ottawa Senators 29 Carolina Hurricanes 30 New Jersey Devils
  6. Try this for amusement JebBush.com
  7. Shock and Awe
  8. I don't think the GOP has the stones to risk the Presidential election over inaction on a SCOTUS nominee..
  9. I have a limited understanding of the body's physiology, but even having said that, I think that would be bad for you.
  10. First game for the NY Isles or Montreal Canadians
  11. My take on Scalia and Obama. Obama gets his man/woman. There are rumors that several more will go next Presidential term. Cycle of life.
  12. That was really a shocking scene, even for this show,,, Well done.. Really well done.. Loved Daryl too... That just might have been the best episode, ever...
  13. I got a good laugh out of this.. Thought her outfit looked like some right out of the DPRK
  14. So this happened in my town this week, in a restaurant that I frequent for business and with my family. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/harford/abingdon/bs-md-harford-shooting-thursday-20160211-story.html Reinforces my anti-gun stance. This guy shot and killed a local police man without warning in a booth in Paneras and then shot and killed a second one... He was finally cornered and shot by responding officers. This Paneras was in the same parking lot that is shared by our only Wegmans in this area and is a very popular and busy area..
  15. I would also offer that you follow through with the interview. It's possible the culture is changing or you could be the change agent for the culture. Interviews are essentially free and an informed decision is always better than an uninformed one. Perhaps you could mention it to the interviewer. If it blows up the interview, so be it. You risked nothing. If it leads to an honest discourse, then maybe you consider it.
  16. That was my thought today as well about Kasich and the VP. Trump hasn't been attacking him and OHIO is huge..
  17. If you hate the job to be, then it is a flat out no brainer.. Mental health counts for so much more. It impacts your life in ways you see and ways you don't.
  18. I've heard this described as a kamikaze mission. After his showing last night, I have to think someone promised him something to take down Rubio.
  19. Definitely getting a bunch in, early
  20. Theses are fascinating to me ... I certainly have heard and believed many of these. http://www.techinsider.io/worst-science-health-myths-2016-1?utm_content=buffer9f002&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer-ti
  21. Amen. He just needs to figure out how to take less hits or minimize the hits he does take.
  22. I realize that. The news I heard during the day was they agreed to six more debates. Seems the news is now using the generic term debate to represent town halls too. But even for a town hall it was a departure to do them in isolation.
  23. Watching Bernie in the Dem debate.. This Republican is now all in for Bernie. I like him. I thought a debate actually had two or more candidates face off. This is a weird format.
  24. Well he can flat out blame Dana Bash and Jake Trapper then. Cause they went off on his candidacy when they heard it....
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