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Everything posted by wjag

  1. GMTM pulls another rabbit out of his hat
  2. When I watch Nylander highlights, the guy that comes to mind is Backstrom. Maybe because my impression is Backstrom is very creative in close.
  3. I guess this makes sense on some level
  4. Defense, we don't need no stinking defense
  5. I find it very ironic that THE country most responsible for occupation, invasion and subjugation of territory around the world and throughput modern history just voted to close their borders
  6. I am actually listening to the Leaf's broadcast of the NHL draft. Not outrageous.. Giddy about being in Buffalo and Matthews of course.
  7. Columbus traded Milano?
  8. I want to win now... Not four years from now. Do whatever it takes to bring a cup to Buffalo NOW..
  9. Should be a fun day in the financial markets today.
  10. Dwight Drane, phone home
  11. I think it is a bad precedent for the party out of power. When the Dems eventually regain control of the House one day, it will be used against them. I'm with you in spirit, but this is spoken like someone who is not a candidate
  12. Agreed
  13. What about the Libertarian candidate?
  14. Just no.. Sorry... That's apologist speak. She is the text book definition of insider threat. And she made others complicit in her deed.
  15. Can you publish/create these lists?
  16. That's all well and fine until the NRA comes after your particular re-election. Why walk around with a lightning rod bolted to your head in the middle of an empty field?
  17. I'll go with 48 The Buffalo Sabres wish to thank the Buffalo Sabres for throwing one kickass draft in these wonderful facilities and want to make the case to the NHL that this should be the venue every year from here on out and with that the Buffalo Sabres select Jake Bean.
  18. I watch a crap ton of political news shows and follow the election results and day-to-day discussion way too much. Having said that, I have noticed I am having a viscerally noticeable negative reaction to Hillary every time I listen to her. I find it very difficult to process the whole separate email server thing. She was/is the very definition of "insider threat" and put herself above the rules that everyone else was held to. I personally don't subscribe to the justification that other SoS did it too. Under her tenure as SoS the level of network hacking worldwide exploded exponentially. She had to be getting routine briefings on the level of hacking going after US Govt networks and yet she made it oh so easy for her information to be hacked. I can't get past this lack of judgement. I think her work history gives her the credentials to be President, but I think her judgement is clearly in doubt for me. There is no way I can vote for Yuk or Yikes I'm clearly in no man's land..
  19. And both will be dwarfed by that kid in Edmonton
  20. Just read this "Remember, too, Mr. Trump is a clear case of someone born on third base who imagines he hit a triple." ..NYT Trump's Delusions of Competence, Paul Krugman
  21. Unless there is an enormous stealth vote for Trump on election day, I just don't see how he can compete unless he does something unthinkable and flips two Blue states like NY and NJ. If Christie wasn't so unpopular in his own state, I could see him having a chance at that. But you still need a ground game and he has zero, none, nil and stunningly, apparently doesn't think he needs one. If he pulled a November miracle and somehow won this thing, he will have rewritten the entire playbook for becoming President. I just think there is zero chance of that happening.
  22. I agree. A blind man can see this train wreck coming...
  23. The more I watch Trump in action, the more I am convinced he is a democratic ploy/plant to implode the GOP. That guy is no more a Republican than anyone named Kennedy is.
  24. As far as episodes go, that was one of the better ones.. Seems like battles are good episodes, non-battles and set up are not. I really enjoyed it, so this nitpicking is just Monday Morning QBing. That Giant dude should have been able to kick his way through those shields. He punch through a castle door full of arrows, but couldn't kick through a line of shields?
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