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Everything posted by wjag
It's like Democrats are all using email for the first time.. Gee Opie, what happens when I actually write something down on a computer message?
Rawlings-Blake the Mayor of Baltimore and Secretary of the DNC swore a pledge of neutrality and she asserted all DNC staffers did the same. She said this on CNN last night when challenged by Wikilieaks revelations.
As evidenced by the Wikileaks..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7SqSNQeAFM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Hn8BpUrzn8 When he eats a proton pill he gets the strength of 20 atom bombs for 20 seconds
I have heard Pol after Pol praise Tim Kaine as Presidential-ready. If that is really true, why didn't he run and give us a real choice for President?
Trump campaign at RNC had signs that said: "Latinos para Trump" held up by a bunch of white folks. The sign should have read "Latinos por Trump" which would be Latinos for Trump. Latinos para Trump means Latinos for/use/benefit of Trump. Got to love it,,,
Twin suicide bombings kill more than 60 at Kabul protest... Yeah the world is much safer these days... Seems local minority (Hazaras) were marching in protest to have their homes covered by new electricity lines. Republicans double down with "Blue Lives Matter".. Has the divide in this country ever been greater since maybe 1860 or 1965 or 1972?
It hit 129 degrees in two ME cities yesterday.. The most I have ever experienced is 118..
I read it was a bullying outgrowth as he targeted youth.
Iraqi lives absolutely matter. I get more frustrated than most on here that more Iraqis died the same week as the Paris Terrorism and we barely saw mention of that fact. CNN was so consumed with the City of Light that nothing else in the world mattered at that time. I'm not arguing that we would be 'safer' under Trump. I think the opposite would be true as he is the most polarizing figure to emerge this century. He will attract nut jobs (both pro and con) like none other. I am arguing though she will struggle to keep a lid on things as does her previous boss does/did. In other words, neither will be effective. She will be forced to rethink the Syria strategy if/when she is in charge. With Turkey now teetering, that job will be much more difficult and expensive.
Yeah I agree with the tension. My thoughts evolved as I was typing it, Lack of prosperity leads to lack of safety.
Not even close... Things are devolving worldwide at an alarming pace. Really? Come to my city and tell me you would feel safe walking around it after 10p Agreed.. Safe needs to be put into context. I would not lump prosperity into safety nor would I add disease. I think it is physical security to your well being whether in your home, on your street or where you travel. I do fault Hilliary/Barack for how they handled Syria and Iraq. Remember they both accepted their jobs knowing it was busted up real bad. I give them no aid nor comfort for what a difficult job it would be because as I said, they readily accepted their jobs. Their policies they implemented in response to the Arab Spring allowed a wild, wild west atmosphere to evolve across multiple countries. They turned a blind eye to Iraq and before they knew it, the city of Mosul fell in a day. Could I have done better? Unlikely... Do I have even a modicum of an idea on how it could have been done differently, no I don't. But I also don't have access to the best and brightest minds in the State Department, Justice Department, Defense Department, Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, Homeland Security, etc at my disposal. They did. Maybe the real honest answer is that it was going to come apart no matter who was in the Oval Office. But to think the world is safer than eight years ago is really acting like an ostrich with your head in the sand, About the only comfort I take in a Hilliary presidency is she is going to inherit the mess she made as SoS and will now have a chance to fix it. She is indeed accepting a very unsafe world whether we are talking about Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Sudan, North Korea, or the Taliban, Al Queda, ISIS, Boca Haram, or plain old Billie Bob in Montana with his arsenal of ARs. There are tens of thousands of Syrians walking around Europe now without jobs. I talk to my friends in Germany and they tell me that while Germany accepted them in, they have struggled to matriculate them into the economy. Same holds true in England, Belgium, and France. You have a major, festering underclass of people who exist in these countries but are not fully welcome or participating. It's only a matter of time before they act up as hunger is a great motivator.
Pretty safe pick.
Hardly.. That really is rose colored glasses Oh and I applaud the NBA for smacking down North Carolina. Reports are that it will cost the state 100M for an absolutely asinine law that affects a tiny percentage of the population.
If he is better than what we have, I say sign him. He can bunk with Richie..
I knew that. Doesn't matter to me. I truly believe Obama has his head on wrong when it comes to this. But that is just me,
CNN competing headlines: "Obama: Trump doom-and-gloom doesn't match reality" and "Shoot Spree at Mall, 6 dead, three attackers on the loose"
Not taking an anti position from you, but I offer that the atmosphere in policing is highly charged these last few weeks. Taking the time to assess the situation sounds reasonable until such time as it is your decision to make and time is of the essence. To me it comes down to the runaway gun ownership of the last eight years, the open carry permits doled out like penny candy and the absolute ruthlessness that gun owners protect their right to harbor weapons of mass destruction. Weapons that can turn a protest, picnic, bar, street party or movie theater into a bloodbath without warning. Heading into a scene where you have been alerted to the presence of a gun changes the whole dynamic/perspective of the responding officer. I wish I knew the answer, I don't.
David Clark JR is a rare bird "Donald Trump is the people's champion" This just in... "Donald Trump is going to make America great again"... who knew... mind blown..
The thing that amazes me about the GOP this year is that even when you think you have seen the craziest moment EVER in a presidential race, they manage to usurp it the next week. There have been so many that we can't even sort them out to remember them any more. I am convinced more than ever that Donald Trump is a democrat masquerading as a republican with the sole purpose of destroying the GOP from within their own party. Nothing else makes sense to me. If you listen to his pre-presidential run opinions, this man was clearly a democrat.
Trump is no more a Republican than Hillary is. He just happens to be running on the GOP ticket. Trump is a Democrat in a GOP suit.
Seems like 'Merica is coming apart at the seams these days. Is this all playing into Trump's hands? Is his discourse the cause of some of this?
And then it will evaporate just as quickly. This race is over,,
Great... And now we are going to have to outlaw semi trucks driving in city centers.
So Pence is the VP selection...