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Everything posted by wjag

  1. Has not been a good year to be a dictator. Bad 24 months for that matter... This keeps up, generation millenias guidance counselors are going to need to remove that from the guidance section...
  2. Was the best center in Bills history...
  3. Plus it's Letang... Not synonmous with good clean fun... Orpik, Cooke, Letang.. Just another day, just another Penguin..
  4. It certainly does all that. But I maintain having played both systems, it is more interesting when it counts against the team. I lost 8.5 points last week when Dustin Penner racked up 19PIMs, 17 in one game. It erased all his positives and left a big point hole in my lineup. Guys like Briere who can get you A, G and SOGs can also kill you when they get 8PIMs in a week... As I said when I first introduced the topic, food for thought.
  5. No I haven't and won't until it has run its course. I can see the sheriff and his family hanging around, but everyone else should be a 3-5 show character. And some of them should be Zombie main courses. I've really like the plot so far...
  6. So this is why I think it will not succeed long term. There just isn't enough room for creativity in a show like this. So what inevitably happens is entire shows become about one character. Some deep dark secret gets exposed and they spend 60 minutes on it. What is right about the show at the moment is characters come in and characters go out. The zombies have to win a few or it gets boring real fast. The attack on the camp where some characters were lost, folks decide to "opt out", the group splinters. That is what will keep it interesting. What will kill it, IMHO, is 60 minutes on why some character is afraid of the dark. And that day is inevitably coming. It always does...
  7. Running from zombies constantly is going to get old. You can only splatter so many brains before it becomes routine. They are going to have to keep losing people to keep the show rolling.
  8. Screw driver to the .... repeatedly....
  9. I agree Drayton should have played himself to the bench... How many games can you recall one team getting called for 3 DPI?
  10. I ran into Kessel and Tavares this week. All things considered, I did okay surviving 7-9
  11. Damn you all... I was going along blissfully unaware of this. Now I have completed the season 1 marathon and the season two premiere... I'm hooked. That's all I need is to get hooked on another series. This one is beyond twisted. You people are sick... :death: :death: :death: :death: :death: :death: :death: :death: :death: :death: They seem appropriate....
  12. They could also use a QB who can throw a deep out.. My biggest fear from last year was they would start to think that Fitz was a QB. Sure he can throw the screen and the cross with the best of them, but he doesn't have the strength to get it downfield.
  13. How many pass interference calls did he have? I couldn't watch it live. I'd imagine that long one to Nicks was Drayton too...
  14. This one had loss written all over it... Fitz has got to look at someone else besides Johnson..
  15. Bills are seriously undermanned for this. This has all the earmarks of a loss.. Is McGee back at least?
  16. Food for thought for next year. I'm playing in a league on CBS and they penalize for PIMs.. Puts a whole new spin on guys like Briere and Vanek...
  17. Brandon Llyod on trading block for a 3 to 5 round pick... If Buffalo is serious about winning, this is a no brainer.....
  18. I find it interesting that no talking heads give Buffalo credit for winning last week. Everyone talks about Philadelphia losing the game. Finally, no one is giving them a chance at the Giants...
  19. Games are too irregular at the moment to know anything...
  20. My first reaction was that Smyth was the victim. I had to look at it twice to convince myself that Kunitz wasn't the aggressor. Seems like both were guilty.
  21. I think it is time to line Brad Smith up as a receiver... Think how much fun that would be...
  22. Well now this one is in unchartered territory... High sticking today, goalie interference tomorrow....
  23. The Bills D is what it is.. They are better up front and weak on the backend. Although don't tell that to George Wilson. Will they get McGee back anytime soon? Watch long enough and you will see stuff you have never seen before. Like yesterday. Eagles onside kick to open second half. Bills recover and the refs call do over because they hadn't set the ball. OR... Fitzy sneaking five yards at mid field because the Eagles did not have a body on the Dline between the guards. OR... Someone actually jumping offsides on a ploy designed to make you jump offsides...
  24. I've got to say, this has been just about one of the best sports weekend's in Buffalo recent history. Started with two solid wins by the Sabres and then finishes with an awesome team win against the Eagles. Sad we have to wait until Friday to crank it back up again...
  25. I officially believe.
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