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Everything posted by wjag
I lied. I could not bring myself to watch St Hilliary. I found a nice Irish pub in NYC and spent a wonderful night with my wife. Damn I love NYC.. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere, it's up to you, New York, New York,,,,, I think the conventions are my least favorite part of the cycle. All the cynicism, gagging optimism and lies by both parties are more than I can take in a week. St Hilliary will get her bounce and restore her lead and then we will be down to whether Trump can win Virginia, Ohio, Penn and Florida. The rest of the country be damned.. Your vote does not matter.
But, but.but that is not what Obama and Hillary and all the Democrats have been saying ALL week. Why they have created a bazillion jobs under Obama don't you know...
Also allows them to suckle the utter of the family finances for longer...Allows them to burrow in deeper and delay their entry into adulthood. Don't get me wrong, I am all for it, but it is having a real consequence.
The one aspect of Obamacare that really should not be undervalued, regardless of your experience with rates, is the pre-existing disease clause. That is enormous for many people.
What's an envelope?
Cool... Thanks! ... We rode bikes around Central Park and up and around Harlem.. Loved the park and loved exploring Harlem on bike. But since this is the complaint thread, I'll bring it back to topic. Some of the NYC Central Park bikers, the serious ones, can be completely obnoxious tools. You know who you are. The ones that spend a fortune on bikes, helmets and clothing. Most people are tourists, renting bikes for a couple of hours. They may not be familiar with the rules, lanes and directions. I saw numerous examples of these tools yelling at people, including families with little kids who might be going the wrong way or causing some other supposed infractions. Ease off the insults fellas (and of course all the examples I cite/saw were guys) and be a bit more understanding that not everyone has your level of enthusiasm.
Done pretty much all of those things over the years. We try and come twice every year, usually in spring and fall when temps and crowds are lower. Last year and this year we had reasons to be here for ten days each. We try and do something different every day, Heading to Coney Island tomorrow.. Trying to talk my kids into walking across the Brooklyn Bridge. They're not biting.
Buffalo? Not sure how I feel about that...
You can't rent a Segway in NYC. Central Park would be perfect for them, but no. I have set my new high water mark for the price I paid for a cheeseburger... $30 (Top of Freedom Tower).. Aye chi wah wah NYC can be expensive. Been here the last week with the family. Dropping crazy dollars for everything.. I do love this city though...
Maybe so, but she wrote ALL those papers that got the stuff done according to Bill. I believe he is pumping up her importance on some of those and her real impact on the eventual legislation. He was making it sound like it would not have happened if not for her. I din't see all of his speech, but he is really an engaging story teller. But story teller he is. I'm really not partisan. I hate her, I hate him more. She will not get my vote, he will never get my vote. I think she walks on water after listening to ALL those speakers and videos last night. If you didn't know the reality of her time as SoS, that SoS video and Madeline Albright, made it sound like she only excelled and nothing bad happened on her watch. They highlighted the Israeli-Palestinian stuff and completely ignored the whole Arab Spring. Now I would not expect them to say anything bad, I get that in spades. But a casual viewer gets a completely different glimpse if that is all they have to go by. Conventions are not for people who pay attention and know the truth; they are made for TV events that gild the lily every which way possible. I refused to watch any of the RNC last week until the Trump speech. I know what I need to know about him. I am watching the DNC when I can this week. I won't watch Obama tonight. I believe I know what he will say and my gag reflex can only take so much. I will only watch her speech now that I see her canonization is near complete. St Hilliary
If he can reliably catch the ball AND here is the and, ADVANCE the ball, sign him...
No doubt he is good.... I wonder when we should submit her for canonization. Who knew she solved ALL those problems by herself...
For those arguing whether we are more "safe" this year or not: Ripped from the CNN Headlines Today Violent Crime Rising In US Cities, Study Finds "The midyear violent crime survey released Monday by the Major Cities Chiefs Association shows 307 more homicides so far in 2016, according to data from 51 law enforcement agencies from some of the largest US cities. In addition to a large increase in homicides, major cities in the US have experienced more than 1,000 more robberies, almost 2,000 more aggravated assaults and more than 600 non-fatal shootings in 2016 compared to this time last year. The only category of violent crime not reflecting an increase when compared to last year is rape. The 316 homicides reported by the Chicago Police Department were by far the most of any law enforcement agency included in the survey, a 48% increase over last year. The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said there were 110 homicides so far this year, compared to 85 in 2015. San Jose's 25 homicides more than doubled the amount during the same period last year. Data for New York City was notably absent from the report. The association said it had not yet received data for the nation's largest city in time for its study."
He certainly has been a fixture there for like forever... I don't even remember Berman before Jackson.
This is a serious question. What exactly did she do that merits this dais? I see her as one of the weakest. She made more news with her expensive around-the-world shopping trips and vacations than anything else. She pushed a school lunch program early. What else did she do?
I saw something like Melania the third wife of Donald gave the first lady's speech the second time. Also when Hillary wins it will mark the first time in history that 2 presidents have slept together.
I think Kaine might have from what I see. Even hard right Repubs have nice things to say about him.
oh, oh, I'll bite... For me, it will be a quadruple down by Republicans to block anything she tries to put forth. Tax increases, forget about it. Minimum wage, forget about it. Social Security Reform, forget about it. Supreme Court justices, only after they turn a few picks into dust. She'll get her cabinet secretaries, and that is about it. I do think she should appoint Barack as Secretary of State. If he is so convinced his policies regarding the ME were sound, then let him see the job from her eyes. In all seriousness, my guess is he will be Ambassador to Cuba.
Peyton Manning
And which one would that be? The one that made millions off of foreign governments or the one that made millions off of foreign manufacturing; the one that is a wall street insider or the one that is a wall street insider; the one that doesn't know how to judge secret information or the one that can't keep a secret; the one that lies right to your face or the one that lies right to your face; the one that will say anything to get elected or the one that will say ANYTHING to get elected?
Those are in emails to be released on the Thursday...
There sure are a lot of homeless in NYC...
I think he will open the Global Obama Initiative.. There is evidence to suggest you can get rich doing it.
I strongly suspect that Germany and Germans are going to begin pushing back on their government making it ripe for a change of government. The consequences of accepting all those immigrants will play out very badly for Merkel. Couple that with France and Belgium and England departing the EU and I suspect Europe is about to go through a wave of conservatism and nativism of their own.
Wikileaks has a tendency to only dump a batch at a time to (a) keep themselves relevant and (b) make them sweat about what they have/don't have. Could there be a second round coming?