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Everything posted by wjag
I did not use the term rigged. I said "fixed". Others turned fixed into rigged. The super delegates insured it was fixed. Many came out supporting her even before she realized Brrnie was going to rile her campaign. That is the definition of fixed.
Naw, she is a byproduct of a fixed system where superdelegates are lobbyists that support her.
Saw this today that summarizes my feelings on the current Presidential Race: "319 million people and we narrowed it down to these two?"
I don't talk about Trump. He is a false flag candidate intending to destroy the GOP from within. He is not worth my time. She on the other hand...
Be prepared for a deluge of St Hillary commercials from NBC 98 Million. Value of ad time reserved by the Hillary Clinton campaign and a pro-Clinton super PAC through the fall, compared to $817,000 reserved by the super PAC associated with Donald Trump
uhm... either the Bills defense is slow or Reggie still has some wheels...
I found this article on Trump and the human psyche interesting. https://www.deepakchopra.com/blog/article/5608?sso_code=eyJpdiI6IlluWllPekpRemtET1RoUHZORmI5YXc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiVWlQaUdLelJNM1BEWXZsQnczSGt5b0YrYWJxU2FxTWc5VmVtaTI5RDFRejV1bVZ6Qk9ORFZwQzdSeWhpSm1iMjJYcmMydktXSkw5ek5wRm9qTzkybk9tdlBIbGRLOG1MOGY2a0tRb0V5eGM9IiwibWFjIjoiMzA2MDA5ZDA5YjM0MzJjZjkyODEwMjRhYmUwNWQzYzk1MTFmMTFlMzE0NTIxNDlhNzVkNmU0Y2Q0MjUwYTNhYSJ9
Bobis, Explain to me what coalition of voters he gets to change Penn, Ohio and Florida and Virginia to red. This is his real path to the Presidency. Tell me how he does it? If he can, he can win, but it is a real tall order.
That's fantastic!
True, do you actually believe this? I look at the cold hard facts: no ground game, no staff, no organization, no party support, no money and losing or soon will be losing in Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Virgina, Wisconsin, and Ohio. Soon will be losing in North Carolina and Georgia. Heck even Utah is now a "leaner", Utah!. Trailing big in East Coast cities, trailing big with Latinos, Blacks and Women. Pissed off the Middle Eastern vote and probably will lose big to LGBTQ community. How can anyone who really pays attention to this stuff see anything other than a lopsided Clinton win? He survived this long because he split the vote 10 different ways. Mano-v-mano, I don't see this as even close. His only hope is to bring out Joe-Billy-Bob in such large numbers to offset her advantage in the cities and with the non-white vote. I don't see that happening..
Just finished watching John Oliver's skewering of the GOP convention. It is must see TV..
This just in, Trump has made a lot of sacrifices.. How many can we list: He downsized his wait staff on his airplanes He reduced his helicopter fleet He only lives in one of his hotels now
I think the US needs to find a way to shut these guys down. Enough is enough of this stuff.
So according to Assange, they have more files they will be releasing....
Because I watched the DNC all last week and everyone of the speakers said so.. They showed video after video of her being Mother Teresa. I just figured I'd recognize that. Better than calling her crooked, don't you think.
And in the end, only Donald Trump will be to blame for the St Hilliary presidency. The dems could have run a toad against him and they would have won easily. I don't see what all the angst on the dems is. He is your dream opponent. He makes her look reasonable. One out of every two Americans has a negative opinion of her, and because of him, she will win walking away.
Gee St Hilliary, now that your campaign has been hacked too, still think it was a good idea to have a server outside the safety and security of the federal firewalls?
This theatre had blasts of air, fans (cooling), water blasts (mists), pitch, yaw and roll in the seats (very active), vibrations, jabbing motions from seats. When they had the car chases and fight scenes, your senses are overloaded. Very, very cool.. Jason Bourne is the perfect movie for this. No smells other than popcorn that I recall.. :-)
Jason Bourne in 4D. First time we did a regular old movie in 4D. What a blast..
Agreed.. It's time we move past these silly obstructions to voting.
Hazarding a guess, the NHL will donate it to a charity....
I found this interesting and appalling at the same time. Wonder what the GOP numbers were From 538: 64 Number of superdelegates to the Democratic National Convention who were registered as a state or federal lobbyist, based on a tabulation by the Sunlight Foundation.
Agreed.. He is a JAG right now..