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Everything posted by wjag

  1. Maybe a reunite with KO will improve his game...
  2. I strive to enter truly random posts in here and thus I proffer this one: "Truman Capote’s ashes sold for $45,000 at auction on Saturday. The original estimate of the likely selling price was a mere $4,000, which strikes me as rather low for the only remains of a beloved and highly regarded author. (Not that I’ve put all that much thought into the selling of the cremated bodies of literary figures.) But while we’re on the subject, how badly do you need to mess up your will to end up in this kind of situation?" Associated Press....
  3. From 538 from Politco "It took almost five months for Ted Cruz to endorse Donald Trump, his party’s nominee for president, but only six weeks to cash in and rent out his vast email list to the nominee. Politico reports that Cruz was renting his email list to Trump well before the endorsement. A rate sheet obtained by Politico indicated that Cruz charges $22,000 to send one email to 280,000 donors and $51,000 to get in the inboxes of all 1.28 million of his supporters"
  4. You couldn't pay me NOT to watch this
  5. I'm pretty certain Trump will be in control tonight.. Ala Mexico... I expect him to gaff his way through the evening and stay on familiar turf (lower taxes, grow GDP by 4%, build a wall, immigration, etc). She will be the policy wonk tonight (ala Al Gore) and make her claim to having the breath of knowledge and experience that he doesn't. It will be like watching an incumbent defend their positions while the challenger reminds us all how those positions have not held up. And tomorrow the press will be talking about her/his demeanor; her/his style of dress; her/his gaffs; etc...
  6. The Bills were down to three receivers in the game. And at one point Clay was out too... I cut them a break today on the passing game... Tough crowd..
  7. The Bills looked ..umm... what's the word ... good ... the Bills looked good today.. Except for that missed extra point, all aspects of the game were clicking, defense, offense, special teams. Are they better without Sammy? or was this just an aberration with the new OC calling all those pass plays to start the game?
  8. Somehow, someway beat the Patriots and this team is again alive in the NFL..
  9. No kidding... One of my best friends is an EMT in NE PA. The things he has seen on the highway would make most of us puke our guts out.
  10. Cruz just endorsed Trump.. Holy flip flop flim flam Batman
  11. I think this sells Brady way, way too short. You still have to make the throws and he does. You still have to see the field and he does. You still have to read the defenses and he does. In short, you still need to execute and he does. You still have to perform in crunch time and on the biggest stage and he does. And he does it with any combination of WR and RB put out there with him.
  12. This is really outstanding... Love the line about her being first white President for the younger generation...
  13. Don't you mean "These pols are crazy"?
  14. A few thoughts I have: 1. The campaign for President should be shrunk to a six week primary, a couple of conventions and then an election. All wrapped up in 10 weeks. 2. The states voting in the primaries should be geographically dispersed with at least one big electoral state in each week. In those six weeks, about 8-9 states each week representing North, South, East and West locations, will vote. And every four years, the mix of states and who votes first should change. Order categorized by electoral count and then randomly chosen within categories. 3. The President of the US should not be allowed to campaign for anybody but himself or herself. It is a massive waste of their time and our money when he/she is campaigning for someone else instead of running the country. 4. All voting for President should occur on Saturday and Sunday of the same weekend, thereby maximizing participation and not disrupting elementary school. 5. If your name appears on 45 or more state ballots, you should be allowed to participate in any/all debates. 6. The type of primary should be homogenized to allow all people who are of eligible age to vote for any candidate on any ballot. 7. House races should occur every four years. Senate races should remain as they are, 8. The House and Senate must complete all spending bills within the allotted time or last year's numbers automatically go into effect on 1 October requiring a bill be passed and signed by the President altering the numbers.
  15. Spray on tan...... covers all the white lies..... err lines...
  16. As a result of my retirement, I now have a star named for me in the vicinity of the Leo constellation. I also now own 1 acre of Mars (the planet) with incredible views of Olympus Mons. I don't plan to visit either place anytime soon. Since I own that acre on Mars in perpetuity, I suspect my great, great, great grandkids will be fighting over it. I also wonder about the folks who live in the starlight of Leo RA 9h 37m 8s D 21' 3' feel about me renaming their sun "wjag". Haven't figured out how or when to break the news to them.
  17. I for one am glad they made a switch at OC. Roman refused to use the talent he had. Put Clay, Watkins, McCoy, Bush in play. Use the middle of the field. Should take a month to sort itself out with new OC. Now 'bout that defense that made Fitz look like Brady... Gilmour probably had his worst day as a pro. Figure out what is up with that (injury, confidence, ability) and fix it,
  18. Agreed... But when they break, and they tell you what they want for an O2 sensor... Makes me think of this.... Was sitting in a Jiffy Lube waiting for my car when I overheard this conversation (I paraphrase) JL: Sir, your hepa filter, that protects you from airborne allergens, is really dirty... See here. Customer: Yeah that is.. JL: If you want, we can replace it for $79 + installation Customer: Why do I have to pay for installation? JL: There is a fee schedule for all our work. Customer: What if I say no? JL: We will put it back in? Customer: Let me get this straight, you will charge me to put in a clean one, but won't charge me to put the dirty one back in? Does that make sense to you? JL: I just work here.....
  19. Well then Hillary clearly planted it.. We will need a special prosecutor with expedited authorities...
  20. My first car was a '72 Buick Century... When you pressed down on the accelerator, she responded. Nothing like a V8 where you could actually see and change your own plugs. Problem was she was a $100 week repair (back when the going rate was $100 for everything). Unlike today where the rate is, "you want how much for that ##%$#$%#%$ ?"
  21. Has a hollow ring to it.. The NYC bomber left a finger print on the unexploded bomb... I was having this convo with a colleague not to long ago regarding the lack of sophistication with today's terrorists. My point was that these guys are not the sharpest knives in the drawer as evidenced in Paris by dumping an incriminating cell phone near the scene of the rampage. I think we try to make them out as smarter than they really are. Enter today's Darwin Award contestant who leaves a calling card on the bomb he made in the form of a fingerprint. Who, I mean who is smart enough to build a bomb, yet dumb enough not use gloves and leave behind a print?
  22. I'm beginning to think the Trump campaign has that new car price sticker shock. When you first go shopping and see they want 32000 for the car, your mind immediately goes to, jeez that's a lot of bitcoin. But then you start looking at other car prices and see that 32000 isn't far from the mean/norm of what new cars costs. And then you start thinking that 32000 is really only 484 month if financed over six years at 2.9%. You start warming up to the notion of driving around in a new car. You begin to justify the price by breaking it into a smaller number that doesn't seem so large in comparison (completely ignoring how much interest you are paying over the term) and wah la, you buy the car. I am still firmly in the camp that she is going to blow him out in the electoral college unless one of three things happens (1) He doesn't get destroyed in the debate(s) (2) She has another health issue (3) Her server was indeed hacked and her emails end up on wiki leaks in October. BREAK -- BREAK Two other random thoughts 1. I saw this over the weekend watching polisci programming. "The Year of Voting Dangerously". It's a book by Maureen Dowd. The title resonated with me. 2. The speed at which they are converging on the NYC bombing suspect(s) is impressive...
  23. Game day... Must win...
  24. I was speaking to a cousin (from Philly and Bucks county (that should mean something to you if you follow Presidential politics at the geek level)) at my Aunt's funeral last week. He asked me whom I was voting for. I said, neither. He told me he was voting for Trump and volunteered why. He is a lawyer and he was voting strictly on his/her selections to the Supreme Court. The rest of the Trump antics were mitigated by this single issue for him. He didn't want her anywhere near the Supreme Court. I found that interesting.
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