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Everything posted by wjag

  1. Looks like McCoy is done for the day
  2. The Defense was like hell yeah.. Oh damn, we're back out there again one play later
  3. Every single XP by Carpenter looks bad... Everyone of them
  4. YAHTZEE!!!!!
  5. Defense is starting to take over this game. One more TD could seal this thing
  6. TT and company need a long drive here. Time to use Bush and Gillespie vice McCoy
  7. That was inexcusable my Miami there
  8. The best we can hope for now is that play 'bothers' Landry for the rest of the game and gets in his head. Landry will be lighter in the pocket on Tuesday
  9. Yeah, he is going to wear down this D over the game.. TT and company need some long drives of their own
  10. Disagree.. Shady has been tremendous, no doubt. But LorAx is blowing up QBS and STs
  11. Yeah LorAx is the MVP of this season so far
  12. It's official.. WE HAVE A FOOTBALL TEAM Great Play
  13. I merely mentioned it as a failing of Obama's Mideast strategy. The ships are a bigger threat in the Med than they are in the North and Baltic Seas. Sure the port has been there, and sure it was small. They are not leaving this time and it will become a major beach head in the Med for the forseeable future. They are moving in. The signs could not be any clearer. I'm not running the store. It's not my responsibility to stop it. I did not run for President. But i can sure as hell recognize it for what it is. A major set back for NATO and the US. Obama is getting completely outflanked in the Middle East. This will be the Democrats and Hillary's problem next.
  14. Your not following the news.. They are moving, as we speak, a significant portion of their fleet there. This is real and it is happening. They are making it into a permanent MAJOR port.
  15. I emphatically do not believe they can win in Miami being down this many skill players. If they do, I will be all in on this season regardless of what happens next week with the Patriots. If there was ever a game to win 9-6, it has to be this week. This is one of those weeks in a long season that a good team will find a way to win. Doesn't matter how ugly, just find a way. Special teams, field goals, sacks.. Find a way.
  16. So the Syrians have now been confirmed to have used chemical weapons a third time on their people. I will give Obama full props for inheriting an awful economy and putting us back on a path, but I will also say that his whole Middle East strategy was an unmitigated disaster with a capital D. He inherited an awful mess with the economy righted the ship; but, he is leaving an awful international mess for the next President. It is only appropriate that Clinton must now fix the mess that his and her policies have created which include the Russians now establishing a MAJOR naval base in the Med, In the game of Monopoly, Obama won. In the game of Risk, he lost.
  17. I wasn't referring to the on-camera people. I was referring to the facebook posts flying by live during his speech. A surprising number, a very surprising number were from women. Noticeable in fact. I watched the last 15m or so and saw/read a non stop stream of comments.
  18. Listening to a live Trump rally: It's time to drain the swamp in DC.... Trump wants constitutional amendment for term limits. Reading the comments fly by on facebook is really entertaining There is no shortage of deeply disturbed individuals supporting him.. Surprising number of women too.. For all the media has made about his gender gap, I saw no limit on the number of female posters saying positive things about him fly by. Makes me shake my head...
  19. If over staying your visa for education purposes is an issue, then I would change the rules for allowing access to US Universities. Let's say you need to put 20K in escrow with the US Government that gets returned when you leave the country. If you fail to show up, that 20K immediately goes to CBP to help locate and find you. If you can't pay the freight, perhaps attend a university in your own country. And if Harvard really wants you, make them put up 50K from their endowment. If you overstay your tourist visa, you immediately get put on a no fly list. Immediately. Same with trains and interstate buses. A database is maintained by the DMV so you can't get a license. Make banks check the illegal list before issuing you an ATM card/bank account. etc. Make it damn difficult to just fade into the fabric of society. I have had only five minutes to think about this and I came up with these. Cost. pick a number.. 2B? Mostly paid to law enforcement to beef up. Also another 2B for courts.
  20. Ouch
  21. Okay so we agree on something., :flirt: Now where do you stand on amnesty for those that are already here? Because if you do agree with her position, then you implicitly agree it is okay to come here illegally and just bide your time until we as a country are forced to assimilate your illegal act. How often should we grant amnesty? Every five years? Ten years? After you have paid 20,000 in federal income tax? After you have had your third kid here? After the number of illegals is 1M or more? Every time a Democrat wins a new 4-year term?
  22. Fine.. We disagree.. Let's turn the tables. Let's say you have always wanted to live in Paris, France. Do you believe it is alright for YOU (not some imaginary person) to go to France on a visa and over stay it. Should the French just ignore you did it and allow you to stay? Should they be required to give you and your family members health care? Is your 'right' to immigrate to where ever you please greater then the country's sovereign borders? *************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Another reason I dislike Twitter Percentage of pro-Clinton Twitter traffic during the first presidential debate that was derived from bots and automated accounts. That might seem like a lot until you learn that bots accounted for 33 percent of pro-Trump’s traffic. [CNN]
  23. Pandora's box has been open.
  24. I kid...
  25. So your solution is to just throw your hands up in the air and say oh well? If you overstayed your visa, you are here ILLEGALLY. Simple. You have got to go. ILLEGAL is ILLEGAL. Use the front door please.
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