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Richard Noggin

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Everything posted by Richard Noggin

  1. Looking back on this article, and especially on the Scandella comments about Okposo's play when he's confident (which is energetic and infectious) versus when he's experiencing a "dip," it sure looks like the Sabres could be in part feeding off a VERY confident Kyle Okposo's play and leadership right now. If you want to be more internet-y about it, you might ask what has changed recently to help pave the way for his resurgence of self-assuredness. And furthermore, you might wonder openly how long it's likely to last. Not that I would do that, because I absolutely love seeing such a locally maligned player and personally impressive human do what Kyle Okposo is doing* *and of course we must always laugh at ourselves for reacting to such small sample sizes But what a cool story right now.
  2. I like it more with the lead arm; more unorthodox. But I get it coming from the same side as the leg feint, as the opponent likely drops the level of his defense some to counter the kick action. Of course, a kick isn't a real threat in a hockey fight (that I know of, historically), so that makes this...awesome-slash-hilarious?
  3. I agree, and would use the NBA as an example: many teams fall victim to the isolation game of letting their most talented players absolutely dominate the ball/puck, which prevents offenses from evolving into sustainable, team-based engines.
  4. That's how they attain and then maintain those sources. It's certainly questionable journalism, but these "insiders" do the same thing with player agents...so it's not difficult to ascertain each report's "slant" based on who is portrayed favorably (player vs. team/league).
  5. Young Jack's "hockey character" clearly didn't foster brotherhood and love of the game for a certain C who immediately went on to flourish elsewhere... And I'd mostly blame the organization for handing a young, immature prospect such unearned status. No matter what we think of the elite guy he became (and I definitely cheered Eichel's growth as he eventually played with increasing grit and even fought for his teammates), there's no doubt the young prospect was an uncoachable doosh. It's all been so mishandled, by everyone involved.
  6. Of course you're most likely correct. One game against a vulnerable Montreal team (who ironically was in the Finals last year) is not the best measuring stick. But are there NO examples of young, rebuilding teams synching up with their coaches and playing winning, team hockey? Does Las Vegas not count?
  7. Same. Decent parlor trick for drunken mediocrities.
  8. Whoa, whoa, whoa...hold up.
  9. I'm noticing Buffalo sports fans are a bit salty this season. Maybe a defense mechanism as the organizations enjoy some early season success? Maybe now, with more talented rosters, there is finally something to lose? Or maybe it's something else. Went to last week's Bills game, and boy-oh-boy were Bills fans cranky. Like suddenly we should immediately out-class the bad teams, just roll them from the start and there's nothing they--the Dolphins (or insert Rangers here)--can do about it that isn't our own fault(s). Which is bonkers in the context of 2019, and where Buffalo teams have been recently. Buffalo fans are at a strange crossroads. At least some of them. The short-sighted masses, maybe. The I-Told-You-So-ers of the world. The impatient, intolerant, on-demand consumers of modern sports. No patience for process...
  10. The preferred way to type that sentence would have been: You're referring to innit, innit?
  11. Anyone who types that British...word?...gets a thumbs up from me.
  12. That's a rather personal question, sir.
  13. OF COURSE results ultimately dictate a manager's employment status, but for the purposes of following, analyzing, and discussing a team's (or any organization, for that matter) performance and approach (like we're doing here), we can discuss things QUALITATIVELY. Otherwise, what's there to say? Why bother?
  14. Occam's Razor. Always start with the simple/obvious, and build out from there.
  15. I get the public speaking criticism. Terry Pegula is not a charismatic public speaker, which is plain to see. Which I see as an extension of his general social awkwardness. And I don't point out these traits to be critical, but merely objective. In fact, I admire Mr. Pegula's lack of PR polish. I know it does not represent well in our late-capitalism culture of manicured messaging and monetization, but I prefer his unrehearsed, sometimes ill-prepared candor. He's sincere, straightforward, and far more authentic than most sports franchise owners I've met. That MIGHT mean something for long-term organizational culture-building (provided we can all forgive them for hiring Rex--still working on a Sabres parallel--which MIGHT be more the unfortunate result of believing in Russ Brandon's acumen and influence (and penchant for vapid hype)). Mistakes have been made. Maybe the owners are learning from those errors. Hopefully they are. I believe from my limited perspective that the organization(s) are more cohesive and competent now than they were before the sale(s).
  16. "I am good at dealing with people! Can't you understand that?! What the hell is wrong with you people!!!" Irony for the win.
  17. Not exactly an NHL scoop here, but I can say with first-hand certainty that J Botts, immediately upon taking over, has encouraged his scouting team to provide candid assessments of the Sabres roster, top to bottom. They self-scout critically and honestly. I've heard players assessed comprehensively and holistically, from objective stats/traits to highly subjective anecdotes and judgments. The various scouts do the majority of the talking. GMJB might be in charge, but he's an excellent listener and facilitator (strong organizational culture). I can only assume they do the same diligence with other teams' players and prospects (just in more private/secure settings). I've been privy to (as maybe TBD members here have read from me, or maybe not...I don't post often) internal and off-the-public-record discussions, scouting meetings, etc. J Botts is not operating unilaterally. He's working collaboratively with his team. The Pegulas are big on horizontal distribution, it seems: empowering, delegating, constantly collaborating across reporting structures and pay scales. Building consensus while valuing critical feedback. Maybe a smart guy with executive experience like Ralph Krueger fits really well into such an organization? I don't know. It's late. I work too much.
  18. Your screen names are kind of similar. Familiarity often breeds contempt.
  19. Folks, what we have here is a Donald Rumsfeld quote (paraphrase, actually). Let that wash over you.
  20. That's darn close to an oxymoron, right there...
  21. Sounds like a progressive hire. As others have stated, Krueger is at least an anti-retread hire.
  22. So who knows what's going on with this tonight? They were/are meeting, probably wrapped up within the last hour. Any juicy tidbits beyond the salary parameters?
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