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Everything posted by Zamboni

  1. At the very least I hope kkkkkkkkkkkkk shuts em down this period.
  2. So I see McAvoy kick the skate of TNT during the play. But others are saying McAvoy stepped on TNTā€™s skate. So I donā€™t know ā€¦ šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
  3. I wasnā€™t focusing on McAvoy ā€¦ his skate contacted TNTā€™s leg?
  4. Nice touch. Nice ceremony. Good man. Good teammate. Good human. Haters can go to HE double hockey sticksā€¦
  5. Drama? How is not saying family issues drama? And drama for who? Fans who wanted to know 2 days ago? Well then Shame on any fan who finds themselves stressed or felt drama from not knowing any details or info when it comes to a players personal life.
  6. I certainly donā€™t feel good about this game. I hope Iā€™m wrong. Bruins ā€¦ 5 Sabres ā€¦ 3 KO, TNT or Clifton with a goal
  7. Yeah, I read that about an hour agoā€¦ I guess weā€™ll see if it actually holds up in a court of law.
  8. Yeahā€¦ When my wife and I go to games we do not find enjoyment in having to deal with beer muscle, diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the brain opposing team fans. Over the years I have helped ushers with four or five people get ejected from the game because of how belligerent and stupid they become during the game. And it sucks the enjoyment out of everybody around them who are trying to enjoy the game. Unfortunately a handful of Sabres fans get that way once in a while too. But hey, everybody has their way to enjoy a game.
  9. Yes Iā€™ll take that for what itā€™s worthā€¦ Garbage. Until itā€™s proven otherwiseā€¦ Garbage.
  10. And thatā€™s just a portion of what scumbag has done to players in the league. I canā€™t wait until that motherf***er retires.
  11. The ā€œexcitementā€ by a few fans that Kane is playing for his hometown team will last about 15-20 games. At most. It will probably create 5-6 sellouts. And IF IF IF their record doesnā€™t get much better than when Kane wasnā€™t on the team, the losses will create less excitement and more aggravation. And therefore not as many butts in the seats as one may hope for. At least thatā€™s how I see it. The team hemorrhaging 4-5 goals a game wonā€™t change with Kane on the team.
  12. I hope Tuchā€™s injury is brief and mild. Sit him out until the weekend. Heal up bro.
  13. Speculation yesterday from good solid sources. Today ā€¦ cricketsā€¦. šŸ¤”
  14. Heā€™s definitely not wrong though. Itā€™s the ā€œadultā€ version of stomping your feet and crossing your arms. And then then get pissed off when you bring attention to it. KA isnā€™t going anywhere soon. And neither is DG. For reasons that have been stated numerous times already so it doesnā€™t need to be repeated by me. Rant, rave, whine, as much as one sees fit. If that makes one feel better afterwards. Go for it.
  15. Iā€™ll make a friendly wager with you. $50 to a charity of your/my choice. On ANY NHL team he plays for this season ā€¦. If Patrick Kane gets more than 59 points in the 23-24 regular season, Iā€™ll donate to a well known and established charity of your choice. If Patrick Kane gets 59 points or less in the 23-24 regular season, you donate to a well known and established charity of my choice.
  16. Ugh ā€¦ I wonā€™t like it, but when he wears the sweater for the team I follow ā€¦ Iā€™ll root for his success. And not a second more. Just like I did with Eric Staal.
  17. He has too much talent to not make it to the NHL full time. Could be as early as next yearā€¦ And if notā€¦ The following year for sure. at least thatā€™s how I see it.
  18. DG is definitely not emotionless on the bench. Good grief ā€¦
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