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Everything posted by Zamboni

  1. Not sure if this was posted a couple days ago ... Remdesivir could be promising drug candidate to treat coronavirus https://abcnews.go.com/Health/remdesivir-promising-drug-candidate-treat-coronavirus/story?id=69689778
  2. I agree. It would take more sweetener. But I would consider it...
  3. Would you do Schiefele and a 2021 1st (not protected) for Dahlin and Okposo?
  4. Mark has always been an astute student of the game. It’s part of why he’s so damn good too. I would trade quite a bit to get a guy like Mark on the Sabres. I’ve been a fan since his rookie year.
  5. Buffalo Sabres roster ... https://www.hockey-reference.com/teams/BUF/1999_games.html Toronto Maple Leafs roster ... https://www.hockey-reference.com/teams/TOR/1999.html
  6. Drago was no slouch.
  7. Buffalo Sabres roster ... https://www.hockey-reference.com/teams/BUF/1999.html Boston Bruins roster ... https://www.hockey-reference.com/teams/BOS/1999.html
  8. Finished Castle Rock. Very well done. Both seasons were terrific. Looking forward to season three.
  9. I can’t see Reinhart getting north of 7.2mil. More likely he gets 6 -6.5mil.
  10. Buffalo Sabres roster ... https://www.hockey-reference.com/teams/BUF/1999.html Boston Bruins roster ... https://www.hockey-reference.com/teams/BOS/1999.html
  11. Buffalo Sabres roster ... https://www.hockey-reference.com/teams/BUF/1999.html Ottawa Senators roster ... https://www.hockey-reference.com/teams/OTT/1999.html
  12. It will be interesting if the percentage of infected and deaths in Sweden will be similar or way way worse than countries who‘s population really hammered home the social distancing, masks, and closed businesses route. 10 million vs. 330 million is a very different animal with a unique set of challenges they share and don’t share.
  13. Well that sucks...
  14. Latest info and interactive map ... https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html Erie county info ... http://erieny.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/dd7f1c0c352e4192ab162a1dfadc58e1
  15. CDC Adds 6 New Coronavirus Symptoms https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexandrasternlicht/2020/04/26/cdc-adds-6-new-coronavirus-symptoms/#506ef0674a41
  16. Zamboni

    Kim Jong-un

    I wasn’t clear. My bad. I’m not interested in expressing my views beyond what I’ve already said, on KJU or his sister. Everyone else can do what they want ?? Mainly because I have seen how others feel about other controversial topics in other threads and even some comments on this one. For me, and me only ... it’s soooo not worth it. If others want to “debate“ (loosely used word) it. Or more accurately type their opinion on JKU, his regime, and how nice of a guy he or his sister must be, have fun with that. I have strong views, on certain topics on this board, that are quite different that others. If I expressed them the way I wanted, I would get banned for sure. So again, it’s just sooo not worth it for me and me only to get into the mud. That’s why I mostly observe and see how where posters minds are. Their leanings. Their logic. Their reasoning. Their knowledge and true grasp of a topic. Others can sling arrows if it makes them feel better about themselves. They need to feel like they “won” more than I need to. I hope that clears up why I said what I said originally. ??
  17. Zamboni

    Kim Jong-un

    If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather not get into it here. It will just derail or spiral. It’s soooo not worth it. But you can probably find the Answers you seek with some reputable news sites/articles ??
  18. Zamboni

    Kim Jong-un

    I’ve read on more than one occasion, his younger sister is even more unstable than he is. So, I don’t hold out much hope.
  19. That hypocrisy is very evident, not only with anti-rich comments, but other one sided “analysis” and comments I see littered through most threads that aren’t strictly sports related. It’s just sooo not worth pointing all of them out. I feel, Almost everyone is dug deep in their version of reality and logic. I think, There really isn’t a thing called “debate” anymore on message boards. Now what exists is “this is what I think, and it’s the truth” while at the same time passive aggressively implying “and so what you think, isn’t the truth”. Or “just shut up”, you’re wrong”. No true debate anymore. Message boards are definitely not the only place this phenomenon exists. Just my O. That’s why I’ve stayed mostly silent and just observed.
  20. Wow ... watching Live PD. And Baton Rouge LA are not doing any social distancing. No masks. No gloves. Unless the police are rummaging thru a car. I’m not just talking about the police Officers. I can understand to a degree as a police officer you can’t always practice that. The general public are not doing anything down there (from my limited viewing so far).It’s a different mindset.
  21. Bought a bunch of discounted Easter chocolate. So I’m munching on that while watching old classic horror movies from the 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s. Finding them on Tubi, YouTube, and Crackle. I try to watch one most late nights. Simple pleasures.
  22. Some governors are going to strategically open up parts of commerce again in their states in the next week to two weeks. This is such a delicate balancing act. I hope it works out well. For everyone’s sake.
  23. Good read....
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