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Everything posted by Zamboni

  1. Agree i remember the over the glass penalty being started because the NHL braintrust wanted more flow to the game, less stoppages, shorter game times, so to assist that direction they made it a penalty to flip it over the glass in the D zone. And for the most part ... it did work. Games are on average 15 mins shorter than games in the 80’s and 90’s and earlier. Now maybe I’m misremembering 😂
  2. Fudge fudge fudge
  3. C’mon Vegas!!
  4. Wow a hybrid question/statement all in one! 😂
  5. C’mon Isles. Win this one.
  6. Hey, you should know this by now ... Some fans want to believe any and all “negative” news. And view anything “positive” as BS. And then proceed to make threads that rail on that negative news for multiple pages and multiple days. Until the next negative spin story develops 😂
  7. Niiiiice Isles are looking good this game.
  8. One more small step towards Eichel leaving for BOS? maybe ....
  9. Oh the drama ...
  10. That one fan that I’ve seen anywhere has called him “the next Hasek“. could you provide any quotes from any posters here or other forums that say anything about him being “the next Hasek” Me personally I still view him as a developing goalie prospect. And 9 times out of 10, good goalie prospects take several years before they develop enough to make the NHL for me… UPL is developing fine and right where I expected him to be at this stage of his development.
  11. Yeah… Right now early September… I am not the least bit nervous concerned or worried what Adams is or isn’t doing in regards to the roster that won’t start training camp for a few months. once the Stanley Cup gets awarded… I think a lot more things will open up as far as opportunities. Then I hope of course that he takes advantage of that.
  12. Yea. I’ll predict that’s sooo not happening. I can see Sam at around 6.5 to 7.5. for 5 - 8 years. Of course there’s a difference between projection and prediction and reality. So I guess we’ll see what happens…
  13. Who the heck is saying 8.75 for Sam? I haven’t seen one person say that or agree that that’s the going rate. I probably missed it so please show me that.
  14. I see Cozens as a winger (assuming he makes the team) in the upcoming season. With him dipping his toes at center a few games here and there. Then the following season maybe he becomes a full-time center.
  15. Great comeback game by Vegas.
  16. Well that takes care of that 😂
  17. Subject matter ... A+ Song delivery ... C Song Lyrics ... C- Guitar music ... C- Meh ... could have been so much more.
  18. I thought I read or heard someone say Stamkos is ruled out to play this round.
  19. Or buy one on eBay for $50. But hey, it has free shipping! 😂
  20. Dude, just look at +/- It paints a better picture along with your eyeballs. Excuse me while I get back in my Delorean. I have a lunch date with Punch and Lorentz.
  21. Some fans want to connect the tank with the rebuild and form only one opinion. Tank = success. looking at that roster in 2013-2014 (and they got rid of a few players before the deadline to ensure we picked well) and then the tank worthy roster continued in 2014-2015 again. To ensure we picked well again. https://www.hockey-reference.com/teams/BUF/2014.html 2015 to 2020 ... Rebuild = failure two separate acts. it’s not tankrebuild
  22. +/- ... good stat to take seriously. advanced stats ... meh. I trust my eyes and biases more. 😂
  23. Agree on Skinner.... He does that often. Like “Reinhart doesn’t help Jack produce more points and other improved stats, when on his line”. When several several several posts from the analytics crew over a few years have proven, yes proven, that Reinhart does in fact (not opinion) improve Jack Eichel. What is it called when someone willfully refuses to see facts because their dislike of the facts goes against what their eyes think they see? I know I have a couple descriptive words.
  24. Good job Isles!
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