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Everything posted by Zamboni

  1. Nice job TB 👍🏼
  2. So do prime Kane and Toews, oh and Ovi, and Backstrom.
  3. Want … Top ten proven center in the league. Get … bottom five proven center in the league and conditional 1st. sooooo …… other 😂
  4. I couldn’t care less about the Bills, but didn’t the city/region embrace Kelly, Thomas, Smith, and others way more than they embrace Josh Allen? I seem to remember more commercials, merch, billboards, and Media buzz than Josh Allen gets presently.
  5. The correct answer is … no one knows.
  6. Is it still believed that Matthews is more talented and a better player than Eichel? without the handicap of recency bias?
  7. Good job Isles! Shut up that scum bag for 48 hours 😂
  8. Oh I guess it’s better said here … scum bag ties it up
  9. Oh great scum bag ties it
  10. Yea. I knew the fork was needed the moment it was started 😂
  11. Now to change the focus to the Bruins. GO ISLES GOOOOO!!!
  12. Oh sooo delicious ….
  14. Yea but but but some sports fans LIVE for the drama. Kinda like a daytime soap opera. Without the tension, drama, and negative thoughts of their favorite sports team, they are forced (subconsciously perhaps) to make stuff up as if that drama is what’s happening. Then react in a strong negative way about those fantasy “most likely happening” scenarios. Guiding Adams As the joke of a franchise turns Pegulas world All my terrible roster General disarray Days of self pity and quagmire The young and the injury prone The bold and the mismanaged Take your pick! Some fans follow these soaps all day everyday. Just look at some of the threads created 😂
  15. Yea, I’d rather the Sabres be like Colorado. Not like Boston. I prefer Colorado style over Boston style.
  16. Ehrhoff, Leino, Okposo, Staal Sorry I had to be “that guy”. It was driving me crazy 😂
  17. Wooooo hoooo off of Bogosian 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  18. C’mon Isles. Win the next one.
  19. Shhhhhh 😬
  20. Good. Keep the process moving. Let the chips fall where they may…
  21. There’s fair criticism, and then there’s pure immature ignorant insults. I’m seeing both in this thread. Edits should be in order. Keyword … should.
  22. Those 2-7 round draft pick threads I made I thought shed some light on the “hit rate” of teams in the 10 year span I listed. Sabres were middle of the pack. Not the worst, not the best … for most years.
  23. Yea that’s heavy handed. Was that recent? I wonder if that policy will garner attention of the owners and Bettman.
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