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Everything posted by Zamboni

  1. Face it you’re hooked I hope nobody’s crabby during the draft. some people smoke weed… I just seaweed. you can tune a guitar, but you can’t tuna fish Ok ok ok …. I have to stop here …
  2. Twitter is pretty much that anyway I mean, you can even say all social media is that 😂
  3. Nice dad jokes. I know them when I see them… I say jokes like that all the time 😂
  4. MIN … V. Rask
  5. On Feb. 1st 2011, the AP said this … “The Buffalo News reported the agreement, which is subject to league approval, includes $175 million US for the Sabres and an additional $14 million in liabilities.” I mean the numbers are close, but I wonder why the discrepancy. Weird. someone’s reporting isn’t accurate 😂
  6. “We only want players who want to be here” All three are likely gone before October 12th.
  7. And it continues to be allowed… unverified garbage dedicated threads. Oh well. It’s not discouraged that’s for sure 😂
  8. I don’t know if it’s a WNY thing, or an education thing, but … Could care less. Couldn’t care less. If you don’t, at this stage in life, know the difference, your education wasn’t very (borrowing NS words) goodly. 😂 I couldn’t care less where Eichel goes if he gets traded. I could care less, but why bother.
  9. And following Twitter users like that … even easier. But, in the land of “I gotta be the first one to spread the news”, this happens all too often.
  10. Myself, and the others I know …. Paid almost half down before the Sabres told us to stop paying because there will be no season. Then, the season did start, but no fans. Then there were fans, but very few 😂 So myself and others already paid into our season tickets. And it just rolled over to this coming season. I hope I explained that ok. I don’t recall saying “ because I know about bunch of season ticket holders renewed… There wont be a substantial drop”. Nope. Not me. A drop? Sure. I can see that.
  11. What percentage drop in renewals or purchases does a person consider “substantial”? I bet that number varies depending who you ask. Me personally, the grand total of STH’ers would have to drop by 20% or more in an off-season for me to consider it substantial. Others may say 5%. Others may say 50%. I know a few other STH’ers and they all renewed. Myself included. Although a few considered not renewing. Even threatened (to no one of importance) of canceling. But, in the end, it was all hot air and empty bluster. They renewed 😂
  12. I disagree with some of what you said here. But this is not the thread for that. You do you …
  13. And that’s why buying jerseys of current players on current teams IMO isn’t the smartest investment. It’s just a preference of mine… I don’t mean it as a diss to anyone who likes to do that. Retired players jerseys have a lot longer shelf life 😂
  14. Like I said …. I looked. Had trouble. Like everyone has from time to time when they search the interwebz for various things. Thanks.
  15. I can’t find it on the website. Oh well. I was hoping for a full list of all the exposed players for Seattle.
  16. Meh. Whatever number he takes, is fine. It’s just a number. He should take 32 or 39 and really aggravate some fans 😂
  17. What’s the expansion draft tool? also, is there a one stop shop that lists all the players from all teams that are available to Seattle?
  18. Hutton? I thought we no longer have him under contract. Oops.
  19. I’m fine with this… it is what it is …
  20. One way or the other I think Risto is gone before October. And I think he’ll be thankful he is.
  21. Wait until someone says “the eye test tells me Risto isn’t all that bad, because like he hits people n stuff”. 😂
  22. For those (like me) who don’t feel like clicking on links 3-4 times before finally getting to the photos to scroll thru. yea, I won’t buy any of those …
  23. Whatever you think an “ending” to a movie is. 👍🏼 Last 10 seconds? Last 10 mins? Whateva …
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