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Everything posted by Believer

  1. When will Kim Pegula step down for an experienced Hockey Executive??…
  2. They both work for the Pegulas… Would be a mistake if they didn’t encourage Beane to mentor Adams on the challenges of the non-hockey GM strategies, processes, and tasks…
  3. Call me Old School… It’s one thing to disagree with Sabres Medical staff about surgery… It’s his body… It’s his right… It’s another thing to do your rehab away from Harbor Center’s world-class facility and your team… Eichel abandoned his teammates during their 18 game losing streak… The Captain vanished, literally… No public comments… No public encouragement or words of confidence in his team… Out of sight, out of mind… This said more to me about Eichel than anything else he did here… The mistake made with Eichel had nothing to do with Krueger or Granato… It was putting too much pressure on the kid… It was giving him the “C” too soon… He wasn’t ready… He might never be ready… He flunked as a leader… and a Sabre… Just my opinion…
  4. Bummer for us… Good luck to Borgen…
  5. Eichel is responsible for his attitude and interview remarks… I get he is frustrated and only 24, but he is the Captain of this team… His behavior telegraphs more concern with his “personal team” than his impact on his teammates and the Sabres… He clearly doesn’t want to be here and has made no comment otherwise… Keep him away from the kids… His attitude is cancer… If I were Adams and couldn’t trade Eichel before the preseason, I would take “C” and send him home until I could… Just my opinion, of course…
  6. I don’t want Eichel either… His self-absorbed attitude Is a cancer on a team… If Adams can’t trade him before the season starts, rip the “C” off his sweater, keep him off the ice and out of the locker room… Same for Risto, though still hoping Reinhart can buy in… Go with young kids and players who want to be here… Rebuild around winners…
  7. Eichel’s public bad act is a cancer… If Adams can’t trade him, he should rip the “C” from his sweater and send him home… No place for him in Buffalo… He gave up on us… Keep the loser off the ice and out of the locker room… away from the young core of the future…
  8. The Left wants to control all messaging… Sports is no exception…
  9. It’s preposterous to think Adams and Granato will not interview and get a complete background on the character of the new players they draft or bring into the team… Adams is using the Beane-McDermott team building model… and my bet is he is consulting with them… and they are happy to give him guidance… Will be sorry to see Reinhart leave… Too bad he will miss the fun of being a part of the Sabres future… Unless Adams screws the pooch… it is bright…
  10. Bravo, Adams… Congrats, Granato… Earned after decades of winning coaching at several levels… Deserved after taking over the Sabres and leading the team out of its misery… Exciting times for this young team and its coach…
  11. Reinhart… He’s a gamer… Eichel is a cancer… and damaged goods…
  12. The reason Eichel comes off like a jackass is because he is a jackass… Prima donna with great skills… and a self-absorbed personality… Not a team player, how he got and kept the “C” is a joke… If he can’t be traded, cut him… Eichel is a cancer… Give Granato and his young team who play to win, play for each other, and play for the fans a chance to grow together… and restore the hockey legacy in Buffalo…
  13. You weren’t listening to Eichel closely enough, perhaps … There is no fixing it with him… He already is gone in his mind… He can only poison the locker room now… and be a bad example for the youngsters who played their hearts out in his absence… Adams should rip the “C” from his sweater… and trade him while he still has good value…
  14. Big contract didn’t do much for Eichel’s expression of commitment to Buffalo today…
  15. Laughable… A sucker born every day… Eichel selling digital tulips… What a guy…
  16. Eichel is not a winner... Eichel is not a leader... Eichel does not want to be in Buffalo... The “C” wouldn’t even rehab here... Wasn’t here with his teammates during the losing streak... offering support in the press and leadership in the locker room... Given a similar circumstance, who thinks Josh Allen would have abandoned his team??... Adams should have ripped the “C”from his sweater and given it to a player who cares about his mates... Trade Eichel now while he still has decent value... He is not part of any positive Sabres future...
  17. Unbelievable... GM Adams traded away a legit back-up Goaltender... and had months to bring another legit back-up to the team... Sorry... Guy is a Bonehead...
  18. Good to see KA working the phones... JJ trade is notice to the league this is his team now... and the Sabres are dealing... More to come... Bigger names... Coach or no coach... my bet...
  19. “If Rutherford thinks KA isn’t up to the task, fire him this off-season and let Rutherford hire the next GM and coach.” Unimpressed with Adams this morning... Sat there like a dope after his statement waiting for questions instead of asking “Who’s got the first question?”... Not a confident leader and not smart enough... Compare him to men of vision like Beane or McDermott... Fire him and get a leader with a builder’s vision beyond “be proud to wear a Sabres jersey”... It will take bringing proven hockey winners to Buffalo... who exude confidence and pride... Winners ready to take the next step in their careers...
  20. 72-32 shot attempts, Philly... Says it all... No way to score if you don’t shoot..,
  21. Thanks for the waiver education... Bad idea...
  22. Sabres need a culture reset... Top to bottom... Take the logo... Charging Buffalo atop crossed sabres... I wear a Sabres Covid mask and am asked occasionally if it is a military unit logo... The Sabres could adopt a Seal Team Unit mentality... Embrace the Seal commitment to training, preparation, and mission execution... Lend financial support to the Unit members and families with a scholarship program... Sabres need to be warriors...
  23. Shake the bottle... Send a message... Get a hunch... Move a bunch... Got nothing to lose, Adams... Send the top two Sabres lines to Rochester, including Eichel... and bring up the top two Amerk lines... Send Dahlin down and bring up their top Defensman... Let ‘em whine, let their Agents howl... Let ’em stew for a couple weeks... Hell, ship out Kroger and bring up Appert... This season is already lost...
  24. Keep Kim out of decision-making...
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