Probably a little cocky like young guys can get after three road wins… Complacent, maybe… No hunger for the game tonight… Got schooled by a hungry team…
I want to know what happened on the days off… and how Granato got them prepared to plug back in to play tonight… You’d think the chance to sweep a west coast road trip would’ve been motivation enough to come out fast..,
Reminds me of one of the all time great stories of “Dumb Things Young Guys Do”… My younger brother was off roading with his new Bronco years ago in a farm field… Wanted to show off for the girls… Decided to go hard up a hill… Didn’t realize it was a huge pile of cow dung… until they sank up to the windows… Farmer had to get the tractor and tow them out… much to the laughter of the crowd that came out to watch… Hahaha…
It’s early… but this is such a different team this year… Fast… Confident… Relentless… Finishers… Sabres making a statement to the league with this road trip…