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Everything posted by Believer

  1. When he came out of the LR he avoided the line of fans… He looked like a man on a mission.. Leadership determination…
  2. Keep working… Keep shooting…
  3. Geez Stillman… Shoot the puck
  4. Set the tone early!… Hard hits, crisp passing, and plenty of shots
  5. Hear!…Hear!… No reason they can’t… Got the speed… Got the skills… The rest is all in their head… Just do it…
  6. Guessing most on the board saw this yesterday https://www.buffalohockeybeat.com/ Thought Olofsson was sober and circumspect about his recent play and the play of the team… Good interview…
  7. Wasn’t suggesting public floggings, and certainly not of individuals … Am suggesting when the team plays with little or no effort, DG needs to express disapproval vs dismay in his public comments… Think Cooper does a good job managing approval and disapproval… Let’s call it a DG developmental task.
  8. Agree with your comment… Granato has not demonstrated an ability to manage expectations and consequences that I can see… He has the praise and patience part down… The players love him… Haven’t seen or heard the discipline and tough love applied much… It’s his first NHL HC opportunity, so he needs to grow with the team… I’m confident he understands this… Yet, DG likes to project a self assurance that seems to lack self awareness of the given reality of Buffalo fans… He needs to show fans it pains him as much as it pains us when we lose… Would give him two gritty veteran D, a solid veteran goaltender, and just two more seasons to produce a SC contender with this talented core…
  9. Time to stop putting unrealistic hopes on the kid, I think… Sign him, give him a handful of NHL games, let him spend some time in Rochester acclimating to the pace and demands of professional hockey… Let KA find a goaltender to join UPL if it’s not Comrie…
  10. Will take a miracle run after tonight… Rooting for it… Would be betting against it… Smartly, not a gambler…
  11. It was the second period… Lot of game left…
  12. We missed Dahlin for several and Tuch for all 10… Too big without these leaders…
  13. And he needs to do it… A winning goaltender and a couple big, tough D Men with solid playoff experience… No excuses…
  14. Granato didn’t sound apologetic in his post game interview… We don’t know what he said to the team… Sat through 5 years as a Capitals STH during the Langway, Gustafson, Stevenson, Riggin years… Attended nearly every home game.. Never saw a Coach leave a goalie in after 7 goals… Not sure I ever saw a 10 goal game…
  15. Can’t wait to hear DG explain away this sorry effort… and his sorry coaching tonight…
  16. If it were a Shootout… No defenders… Face it, Comrie was awful tonight…
  17. Mano a Mano… Beat like several tonight… No defense helping him, but he is paid to stop goals…
  18. Victor… Boom… Breaks his slump…
  19. Granato… What are you doing??… Pull the kid
  20. Comrie should have been pulled after 5… Wasn’t sharp from the first puck drop tonight... Gave the team no chance to win…
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