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Claude Balls

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Everything posted by Claude Balls

  1. Good call. He ruined pretty much everyone. Let the guys play to their strengths, don't force them to play differently. No shock Tage broke out once Meatballs took over. What baffles me is that Ralph brought Donnie aboard from what I recall. I could be wrong. It was a few years ago, and I can't even remember what I ate yesterday.
  2. Same with the MLB and NFL. It's pretty ridiculous imo. Sad to admit, but I'm a Yankees fan, and YES shows a lot of their games, but a lot of the Friday games are on either Prime or Apple. Everyone is selling out.
  3. Seems as though the media has realized that the Sabres are the up and coming team in the NHL. They are a really fun team to watch. A huge step up from what they used to be. I think Meatballs is building something special. Not only is he great with the young kidd, but he also got Skinner to be the player he used to be, before Krueger ruined him.
  4. That's still cheaper than my DIRECTV. Not to mention, I also pay for Prime, Hulu and Netflix. So many streaming services. Not sure what the cheaper route would be.
  5. Ughhh, I'm so gonna miss RJ. There will never be another like him. And although, I never liked Gerbe, this was a sick ass goal.
  6. Wasn't sure about going to this show, but it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. This guy is amazing. Not to mention, they sold over 21,000 tickets. Biggest show he's ever played. WNY rules!!
  7. I agree with this 100%. O'Cyrus might be a stud. But they should've been drafting these guys for the past few years. Washed up re-treads aren't gonna cut it. You're biggest asset is Josh Allen. You have to protect that man period. Why they are so adamant on building the defense is baffling.
  8. Oof, that's a bold statement. He is basically the same size as Torey Krug. But the talent level is night and day. Krug had a bad year in St. Louis, but up until then he was an above avg undersized d-man. Bryson is well below avg. The thing I like about Krug (other than playing for Boston) is he is feisty and has tenacity. He actually has a set of balls between his legs. The only thing Bryson has between his legs is a tampon string. He's a lost cause imo.
  9. Somewhere other than Buffalo should've been an option.
  10. Can someone please show me a GM that has hit on every draft pick? Of course Beane has whiffed on some picks, but so has every other ***** GM. It's not that hard to understand. The draft is a crapshoot. How many people thought Allen was a bust?? I love all the armchair GMs that think they could do better. I mean Belichick is one if the worst when it comes to drafting, but he's won and gets praise all the time.
  11. I'd love to see him get the C, but with KO coming back I don't see that happening. However, I can easily see him having a career year, barring injury.
  12. Is this the first one? https://media1.giphy.com/media/GiEOMnWN1LAN7HYHka/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952ly6h4c901mzrc3qre487mj5cyctk8e6tiqsiptk1&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g
  13. Paging @Wyldnwoody44 please pick up the white courtesy phone
  14. Can you change the title, maybe? I can't believe I just saw him on TV, joining the guys at one of the last Sabres games. This is surreal to me. This one hurts. No warning or anything. RIP Rick and thoughts and prayers to Cookie and their kids. 😢
  15. I'm in if it happens.
  16. 1. Vegas. )As Porous said, I love the city and am also a degen!!!) 2. Colorado. (I love nature and winter) 3. Seattle. (Wouldn't mind being a fish monger in the off-season.) 4. Minnesota. (See Colorado) 5. Edmonton. (See Colorado)
  17. I have Anaheim, L.A., San Jose, Arizona and Carolina.
  18. That's f'n horrible. Way too young to go.
  19. Oops, that was meant for someone else. My goal song would actually be this one.
  20. That's a Geritol crew you've listed. 👨‍🦼
  21. I saw them with Collective Soul at Darien. They were amazing. Leaving in a few hours to go tailgate before the Godsmack, Staind and Nothing More show at Darien Lake tonight. Can't wait. Seen them all before and they each put on a great show.
  22. I met Mike Keenan the summer before he won the cup with the Rags. I had to tow his Mercedes wagon from Bristol back to Rochester after he plunked a deer with it. I had to meet him at the Lock, Stock and Barrel, a bar near the Bristol ski resort. He was hammered!!! Only other hockey player I met was Andy Ristau, not long after he got jumped in pre-game warmups by the entire Hershey Bears team. They were kicking him in the head and everything. It was ***** brutal. Half of the Bears should've been arrested. I met him in the elevator that went up to the suites. He was a big dude. But my biggest thrill was when I was like 12 and I got to meet Cal Ripken and Eddie Murray after the Orioles played a double header against the Indians in that old shithole stadium in Cleveland. We told them we were from Rochester and they talked with us for like 15 mins and gave me their autographs.
  23. Two words for the peeps on the east side of Rochester.....Perinton Pizza. They do not skimp on the toppings.
  24. Apparently he was gassing up his js when some jackass plowed into him. Why some moron would be flying around near a fuel dock smells of inexperience to me. Or, it could've been Belichick who is still pissed from Hines' two td kickoff return game against him.
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