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Claude Balls

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Everything posted by Claude Balls

  1. This game is painful to watch. This could be the worst game so far this season.
  2. He works for the Sabres, always shows up late.
  3. Omg, how do you miss so many EN shots?
  4. This team needs medication, they have severe multiple personality disorder. Never seen so many different teams play in the same game.
  5. Now it's time to send Scott out. Lucic is starting to run everyone.
  6. Wtf happened to Myers????
  7. If Kaleta throws that check, he is suspended for 3 years. Even though I don't think it was too dirty. Coulda been a charging call.
  8. Nah....that wasn't charging. At least not for a Bruin player.
  9. Guarantee Bruins fans will be calling for Julien's head if Buffalo wins because he started the backup goalie.
  10. Man, Boston can commit 20 penalties a game and only get called for 2 or 3.
  11. Stretch with the follow up.
  12. They said at the very end of the pre-game that Weber may have an injury problem. Haven't heard anything since though. I think the biggest injury on this team is between Lindy's ears.
  13. Cant say this team doesnt deserve to be in last place. They are horrible. And Pegula is sitting there in the pressbox with a dumbfounded stupid ass grin on his face. He may be a worse owner than Golisano.
  14. This team totally sucks. Its like their main mission is to not get shut out each game. Lets score a goal and then call it a night. Why work hard and try to outscore the other team.
  15. Thought the exact same thing. He has to be the oddest looking player in the NHL. And change your name Dougie, youre not 7 anymore.
  16. Ruff is a moron if he does this against Boston. Without Scott in the lineup, the Bruins will take some cheap shots I'm sure.
  17. Not excited at all to watch this team tonight. They are so boring to watch and I actually fell asleep during the Bruins game. A little offensive prowess would be nice to see for a change.
  18. POD, Three Days Grace and Shinedown next Friday (the 22nd) at the Blue Cross. Seen all three one already and they all bring a ton of energy and put on great shows,
  19. New Englanders are a bunch of pansies when it comes to snow storms. You would think after how many years in the Northeast they would be able to handle the conditions. They should spend a winter in the Tug Hill Plateau if they wanna know what real snow is.
  20. Yawn......if I'm lucky (or unlucky depending on how you look at it) I might catch the third period tonight.
  21. Pitiful showing. I may not watch again until Ruff is gone.
  22. Shouldn't be. They've only played 8 games and had an extra 3 months of vacation this year.
  23. It's really time for a coaching change, I mean this is getting old.
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