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Claude Balls

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Everything posted by Claude Balls

  1. I have to agree. Maybe one game just because of his jersey. Kaleta would get at least six games for that, if not more.
  2. Once the Leafs scored that first goal the Bruins totally took over that game. And after the Leafs hit that pipe on the 2-1 they seemed to quit. I see the Cup going back to Pittsburgh this year.
  3. Couldn't have said this better myself. I can't stand any sports team from Boston. Been a life long hater of their teams. Don't like Toronto much either, but I'll take them over the Bruins any day. Will be watching the Knicks hopefully end the Celtics season tonight in between periods of the hockey game.
  4. I agree whole heartedly on both points. Hopefully after tonight, it will be the beginning of the end for a lot of this franchise.
  5. I am curious to see who starts in goal Friday night, as I am expecting it to be Miller's last game in Buffalo. As for tonight's game, I am thinking it's gonna be pretty fugly. Wouldn't mind seeing a Scott/Englund throwdown though.
  6. Wow, 3.5 pages of a GDT. This must be record. Let's see if we can beat in the last two games with this pathetic team. On the positive side, other than that second goal, Enroth looked great and Vanek looked healthier.
  7. Just tuned in......bad move. Seems the boys are getting their stools personally pushed in by the Rags. Here's to next year.
  8. I believe the playoff dream ends tonight. Time to get ready for the Bills to ###### up the draft.
  9. Gotta admit, that was probably the most entertaining game I've seen the Sabres play all season. Great win and I think both teams saluting the crowd afterwards was very classy.
  10. Not gonna be a good night for the good guys when Paille scores.
  11. Oh yeah, NBC is really laying it on thick for this one. Wish the game was in Buffalo and on MSG. Anyways, go Sabres!!!
  12. Full video of Mr. Scott dancing. Love this guy. Got some nice ink on his ribs as well. http://youtu.be/MbNTKixARYU
  13. Thanks man, I thought that might be the answer. Glad to Ott with the an A though.
  14. I've been out of the loop the past few days and didn't read through 17 pages of the Pommer trade. But does anyone know who gets the "C" now? Would like to see Ott with it.
  15. Miller is gonna be a brick wall from here on out, mark my words.
  16. I officially have a new man crush. Sorry Jared Leto, Steve Ott is the new man in my life.
  17. Dude, didn't you just get married? As for the game, I expect Boston to run the Sabres out of the building tonight. Could be the ugliest game of the year even though Boston hasn't been tearing it up as of late.
  18. Why so many gloomy gus's around, we all already know this team blows, but hey, the Bills are gonna sign Kevin Kolb. Thats right, i said Kevin Kolb. Happy days again at one Bills Drive lol. These teams are run by the Ringling Brothers I swear.
  19. Which also means Boston is going to come into tomorrows game with the Sabres pissed off and ready to give Buffalo a beat down and even the season series.
  20. Good deal and with three more full days left I'm Darcy ain't nearly done. At least I hope he's just getting started anyways.
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