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Everything posted by JustOneParade

  1. 4) Paul Hamilton asks three questions, thus causing the press conference to run 45 minutes longer than planned.
  2. Or maybe Lindy announces at his presser today that he's signed an extension that kicks in for the '26/27 season. 😄
  3. Here's my simple take on things, FWIW. Lindy would have gotten this year's team into the playoffs, but no further than the first round. The roster needs work to get beyond that point going forward.
  4. What an awful turnover. Sabres- like.
  5. I was always curious about what was said to make all those guys laugh when the picture was taken for that album cover. Great album BTW. (And does that make me old that I still call them albums regardless of when they were made?)
  6. I thought the exact same thing as I started listening. What I found funny was that the reporters could see he was ready to cut loose so they kept feeding him the same type questions until he did. Entertainment value aside, I would love to know how he addressed those top players who he felt were not competing enough.
  7. My wife and I started watching the TO-BOS game late in the first period. She, who knows even less about hockey than I, says “the Sabres don’t play anything like these teams do”. I love watching playoff hockey.
  8. I hope he comes back to clarify, but when he wrote ‘the guys’ I assumed he meant ‘the players’.
  9. Sorry to hear that @Brawndo. Hang tough. I’m sure you’ll land on your feet but hoping it doesn’t involve uprooting your family. I have a handful of clients in the medical profession- docs, PA’s, nurses. And we have discussions about the changes in the industry. I am fearful of the direction healthcare is headed in this country (USA).
  10. Shouldn’t have brought handedness into the comment though it may not matter to the org. It’s more a matter of play style for me. I’m certainly not the only one hoping for a more defensively oriented d-man in our top four. But the biggest reason for my post, and not written, was concern over the ability and/or wisdom to re-sign Byram and the resulting total investment in the D corp relative to the cap. He won’t be cheap.
  11. It is somewhat bizarre. I’m thinking Byram might be traded this summer. Either in an offensive LHD for defensively responsible RHD top-4 swap, or for a center with the skill set presently lacking on this team.
  12. This is a bigger issue for the NHL than for the NFL. The former derives more revenue based on attendance, the NFL from television contracts. But to @That Aud Smell’s point, there is an inherent, and not insignificant, risk in concentrating the sources of revenue.
  13. Totally agree with this. His skill level may or may not develop to an NHL level but his size and playing style will certainly translate quite well. The Sabres can use two or three more of him in our system.
  14. Perhaps Rob Ray wasn't the only one who depended on Matt Ellis for the 'inside scoop'?
  15. A thumbs up for the second line. Only because there's not a way to give it three thumbs up.
  16. Not for nothin' but can anyone recall a coach, in any major sports league, ever being fired before a contract extension even starts?
  17. Devil you know and devil you don't perhaps? (Not a reference to any unemployed former Sabre HC).
  18. Joe Brady was a big part of that after he became OC. I fell Brady was no fan of Diggs after being on the sideline with him for a couple seasons.
  19. This is where the Sabres typically allow the flood gates to open.
  20. Remember that we are entering the homestretch where purposeful lies and false character assassinations are being shelled out in buckets. The 'insiders' and 'experts' are tools of the organizations. BTW, have you heard that Malik Nabors has a coke problem and beat the the children of his handicapped neighbor? (Drop baby, drop).
  21. I was going to type something really snarky, like "the NHL regular season continues for 138 more days after Buffalo is done". But I won't.
  22. Last one. The angst will be over for a while. But will we miss them when they're gone? Be honest.
  23. I would too @Sabres Fan in NS. For a few reasons a trade to Buffalo wouldn't happen though. But we desperately need a guy like this. I was watching the Flames/Yotes game last night. Never knew much about him other than he was a piece of that big trade. Then I saw him manhandle a guy out from the crease (and a pretty effective shove after the whistle). Later he was defending an oncoming rush high in his own zone. No retreat and stick swing defense like the Sabres play in that situation. Stepped up, took the body, and knocked the Yote on his ass. Can score too. Looked up his contract status and saw the linked article.
  24. Pay what you must, make the trade, and get this guy. Older? Yes. A tad bit pricey? Yes. Byram +. A guy can dream. https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/article/flames-mackenzie-weegar-sends-powerful-message-with-commitment-to-stay/
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