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Everything posted by steveoath

  1. Boo Stupid Vegas K-ni-gits, Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. I fart in your general direction. Yay Sabres.
  2. Heartbreaking.... response from Isaiah Meyer Crowthers.
  3. I don't think it has the nice stitch detail. Although I bought the butter knife reverse retro fro. Them and the main logo had the nice embossed stitching so who knows!?!
  4. Boo yotes, yay Sabres. Although tanking, they've had a couple of good recent results. Still see a sabres win though.
  5. Cheers 🍻 Just seeing the fanatics ones though, are the Adidas ones about? Don't care. Ordered. Happy Christmas me.
  6. Ditto! I tried shoponebuffalo for an order but you now have to contact them before making an order.... and postage to euroland is extortionate.
  7. Have to listen rather than watch tonight. See if I can make i can figure out anything from DD and Rayzor.
  8. Sabres are the hockey equivalent of Spinal Tap at this point.
  9. It's all gonna be fine. I've just bet on Tampa and I never win!!
  10. He skid into the boards at one point didn't he?
  11. If we lock it up it can't get out and find us. Boo Skyfarts, Yay Sabres. Hope for a bounceback game to get on a bit of a roll before the return of he who shall not be named on Thursday.
  12. Had a nice lie in this morning, we're knocking off early tonight. Power nap then Sabres. Fantastic Friday indeed!
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