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Everything posted by steveoath

  1. 3 of the the first 4 games have been blacked out here. But on Amazon fire TV I'm experiencing the audio and picture not being in sync, whereas any other app is fine.
  2. Still, pp goals still count on the scoreboard.
  3. Victor is just a stone cold killer.
  4. Exactly, I'm hoping the days of the Sabres doing other teams a Solid, by taking their trash, are over. And if wpg want him before Montour is fit id want pick(s) as well as ehlers.
  5. Game was blacked out here, but have caught highlights. How was Ullmarks play overall? Side note - Montreal game is blacked out also, that's 3 out the first 4 games unavailable in UK on the NHL app live. That sucks.
  6. Yeah, you can't directly find and sabres stuff. I searched "buffalo hockey".
  7. I think he referred to reach line by the name of the centre in the interview.
  8. For those that requested. This is one from dhgate. Definitely the best quality out of any sportswear I've bought from them. The gold is beautiful! It looks.like some of the lines aren't straight, but that's just coz it's out the mailing packet and still a bit rumpled.
  9. None on onebuffalo. Just the fanatic replicas. Seems awful shortsighted, especially after the great home opener.
  10. So, is Risto a keeper now? He and McCabe really seem to compliment one another.
  11. So-not-bad-ka at the moment.
  12. That was fantastic. Go Sabres. Night night all.
  13. C'mon Sabres. Home opener hatty for Goalofsson please ?
  14. That was ace to watch. These guys are a Team.
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