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Everything posted by Pimlach

  1. Way too mild, the Leaves get a point out of it. I am looking for a 7-2 raking of the Maple Weefs. Includes a line brawl. Go Sabres! Must Win! The Sabres turn around predicted by @pi2000 starts tonight!
  2. No matter how you slice it there is not enough skill and experience at forward. Adam’s bet on Cozens and Quinn to be top 6 was a bad one. Benson is not top 6 either. Greenway out hurts, especially the PK.
  3. Don’t forget Cozens as a 2C.
  4. Most if the guy listed above seem to scored goals on us just about every time we play them.
  5. I’m not signing anything. I don’t want Terry to leave, just relinquish control to an NHL hockey expert.
  6. I have been saying this for years. Especially infuriating is being the below cap, and with this "No Blocker" mentality. Most every one of the young players that were rushed in will hit a wall, or two, before they are mature players. This is not that hard to fix either. Bring in some vets with tread on their tires. Adams left holes in the team the past two off seasons, after he said they were going for playoffs. And the season prior, when we had 91 points, he refused to sign a average NHL goalie that could play enough games to help us - his faith in Anderson (who could give us 15-20 games) was misguided, as was his thought that Levi could step in from the NCAA. Adams was, and still is, over his head.
  7. I should have known it was Terry. I thought he was Adams pick, who then had to sell Terry on hiring a guy that he (technically Darcy) fired. Warrener must still have solid connections, he actually held back on all that he could have said. When you called out Adams I was with you, I wanted a full up, all out coach search. I expected it would take weeks, not days.
  8. I can’t imagine it either. I thought that hiring Ruff was Adams doing the easiest move possible, but others are pointing to Terry being the driver on it.
  9. He picked Bots over Zito. Bots was a former Sabre and Terry loved to point out he was the only player to win an NCAA championship and then some other title. As if that experience will make him a good GM. He was Star struck with LaFontaine. Terry sets the wrong criteria for his GM hires. Adam’s was never qualified, still isn’t, but he was a known commodity and loyal.
  10. They embarrassed themselves as usual with the coaching search that wasn’t. There were ex NHL coaches that thought they would get a call. Did you hear what Warrener said? It implies that Ruff is the likely next GM. I assume Adams is POHO in that scenario?
  11. There will lots of empty seats. Many will be paid for but empty. Good hockey has skipped a generation of fans in Buffalo. On yesterdays show Duffer said they just need win 4 in a row and their back in it. Marty mentioned that there are 7 teams ahead of them but Duffer said that doesn’t matter. I guess all of those teams will promptly lose 4 in a row for the Sabres?
  12. This situation makes me too pissed off to even rant about it.
  13. I should not have said pissed, disappointed is more like it. He was coaching for the Caps before he coached in Rochester, so he could have stayed there and continued his career. Laviolette selected him based on knowing him, coaching him, and knowing his work with the Caps.
  14. You play your best and ask to be traded. Like Reinhart did.
  15. No. I admire people who do their jobs well and inspire others to do the same.
  16. If the team plays good hockey we talk about good hockey. If the teams plays bad hockey we talk about bad hockey. If the owner and GM continue to embarrass and stain the organization then we talk about that. Especially when the hockey media outside of Buffalo is talking about it, and hockey discussion videos are popping up all over the internet on this topic.
  17. OYHHLD = Olean Youth Hockey House League for Development (oiled) was a last minute change for me. OYHHL = Olean Youth Hockey House League (oil), was the original thought. Since they are in perpetual development and it added a past tense feel to it, I preferred oiled. So OYHHLD it is.
  18. Complete $hit Show. @Stoner, OK Buddy, I heard what Rhett said. This video hurts.
  19. I don't know if he picked that game for any reason other than he was in Detroit and the next game was in Montreal. Seem like these kinds of meeting are best held at home and made to fit into the teams schedule. Maybe not great to interrupt a scheduled practice either. But he is the POHO and owner so anything goes I guess. He runs this team like its the OYHHLD.
  20. If true, this kills my thoughts that Lindy was hired by Adams to coach for 2 years and that is it. (Maybe he gets an FO advisor job after the coaching job is done.) I am surprised by this report that Terry and Lindy have a close relationship. Perhaps I shouldn't be? Everything Terry has done with the Buffalo Sabres has been convoluted and always involves "friendships" and "connections" over bringing in fresh talent based on actual merit. He hired LaFontaine while being starstruck. He hired Bots over Zito, Bots had a Sabres connection. Housley. Adams lives in Buffalo. Now Ruff. OK @Stoner, where is this Rhett Warrener stuff coming from? I see nothing on this on the internet.
  21. If I was on the Canadians team, and I heard that Terry came to address his team, in MY BUILDING, and the result was a canceled practice I would be dying to play that game. The Montreal team was fired up and not gonna lose that game last night.
  22. I’m saying Adams, Ruff, and Appert do not deserve to stay in any capacity. None of them do. The EEE Pegula/Adams era, and everything that it touched, needs to end. It failed. The only logical next step is for Terry to hire a POHO, and let him hire and run everything else.
  23. Drury will never come back to Buffalo Peca saw both Krueger and Granato. He left pissed off. Why are you promoting failure by keeping Adams, Ruff, and Appert? None of them should stay. Terry is approaching a complete rebuild of the hockey staff again. Soon no one will work for him.
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