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Everything posted by Pimlach

  1. Dahlin bit on it and he usually doesn’t. Bryson not anywhere in sight.
  2. Great period. All you can say. They need to do that again but more emphasis on defensive zone and clean breakouts. No Alamo. Sometimes they need to simplify things and make an honest effort to get the puck over that defensive zone blue line first. Sacrifice to do it. Make the two goal lead 3 by catching Tampa getting anxious and pressing, then get behind them for odd man breaks. That is the next step for this team.
  3. Hedman could have buried Krebs again but he chose not to drill the kid again.
  4. Adam’s looking sharp in that suit. Glad the suit tradition continues for coaches and GMs. NFL coaches look like they are going to gym class.
  5. Why do they cover hockey gambling? Gambling is a scourge of society. Oh, I see I need another scotch.
  6. He will be on the team next year. Relax. Anderson will retire. It will be Comrie and UPL next year with Levi in Rochester. The thought of that scares me btw.
  7. Let get out of this period clean. No lax defensive zone play please.
  8. So far They haven’t even credited them with a shot on that goal. Lol.
  9. Double negative, but probably not much. Unless Tampa needs a PP
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