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Everything posted by Pimlach

  1. You stop watching after 10 minutes? I never understood that behavior. You talk about the team being soft and having no grit. ?
  2. Nope. Opposite. On the road they are focused on hockey all day and night - it is not a party, They are not that team. They don't have time to sight see and hang out at bars (Eichel, Reinhart, Kane and Bogo are gone). At home they do other things - wives, GF's, kids, toys, hanging out playing video games. They are just not as prepared to play at home.
  3. The TNT crew, all 6 of them, said that same thing months ago when we torched Columbus for 6 in the first and then gave up a bunch of soft goals as the game went on. Everyone in the league knows we are very young, we need goaltending, we play poor team defense, and we do not have a physical game. Every single hockey broadcaster on every network in every city. They also know we have some excellent emerging talent in the league with Dahlin, Thompson, Power and Cozens and we have a few solid pieces like Tuch and Kyle, and we have more youth coming up. Like it or not, this is a slow rebuild, but look at the progress after 2 years of KA and it seems not that slow.
  4. Because every game is a new game. Because young teams learn hard lessons. Because anything can happen. Because you are a fan (which is short for fanatic).
  5. Muel gets a lot of love here, but he is still young and still a work in progress and his play is sometimes below average for a top 2 pairing. He does a lot with his stick, but he is too often reluctant to play the body to separate the man from the puck - and that is what a stay at home top pair guy should do. He needs to get better at that and be more of a physical force.
  6. The home record is a problem. I hear DG saying it is not unusual for young teams to lose at home - to me that means distractions. It is up to him to address them. Looking at the big picture, the veteran presence that Accari and ROR bring are going to separate Toronto from the lower pack teams in the Eastern Conference. Our 3rd and 4th lines are centered by Krebs and Jost, at this time they are no comparison to what Toronto is putting out there. My nephew was there and estimated there were more Toronto fans there than Sabres fans. They really got the road team fired up. After the first period we played pretty good hockey but Toronto coasted to victory so it is hard to say.
  7. We have lot of players that are the same. Big changes will happen at some point but Adams is still looking at what he has.
  8. He deserves to be allowed to keep going. How far and for how long long, we shall see.
  9. some of those shots were pretty tough but we need him to save two of the four. The first and the last probably.
  10. Agree. It would be great to make it this year so for many reason, I just want to end this playoff draught and take our first round beating so that Adams can see what is really needed.
  11. I took that of my wife last year in Key West.
  12. Dahlin played 25:57 and finished even in +/- which is saying a lot when you give up 5 even strength goals. Today was men against boys and the boys got schooled. Buffalo is a boarderline playoff team. They might get there, but in the eastern conference the top 6 teams are way beyond 7 and 8.
  13. That already happened in the first period. Many fans here quit before the Sabres ever did.
  14. Not sure he would have saved all the goals on UPL. The first one UPL overplayed his post.
  15. The ref calls that hand hooking bull$hit and lets a ton of real holding go. This game is going to the dogs with hooking to hands calls
  16. This ref sucks. They just let offensive zone holding by the leaves go.
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