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Everything posted by Pimlach

  1. Gentrification marketing it is not. The names go back centuries, before gentrification was a word. Canalside was actually named in 1825 when the Canal opened. The canal was filled over in 1920. When you were in Buffalo its name and its purpose were gone. It was revitalized in the 00's and today it is a place to go for activities on the waterfront. IMO they did a great job and there is more to come. Volunteers are building a canal barge at canalside right now. You can go there, learn some history and watch them build it. Or you can volunteer to help. https://buffalowaterfront.com/venue/canalside-longshed https://buffalomaritimecenter.org/erie-canal-boat-seneca-chief/ Cobblestone was a dead area when you were there. Another neighborhood that developed off of the success of the harbor in the late 1800's and early 1900's. Today it is an example of reuse and fix up, not tear down and throw away. https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=80055 https://www.visitbuffaloniagara.com/businesses/cobblestone-district/ Theatre District has always been called that, at one time in the 1900's there were over 50 theaters there. Today there are just a few. The area is cleaned up, well lit, and the few theatres left are doing ok. There is room to grow this area. Fruit Belt is a name for a section of the East Side that was at one time in the 1800's orchards planted by German immigrants. The street names reflect that. It has been a poor neighborhood for a very long time and it still is. It is adjacent to the growing downtown Medical Corridor.
  2. 7-9-1. Rico is using the DeLuca .500 scale to get to 3 below.
  3. Left in 1981. Wasn’t there much in the 80’s either, I was a rolling stone back then. Was there more often in the 90’s. Even more on the 00’s. I am there almost half of the year these days. I saw the revitalization and it was long in the making with some missed opportunities Nothing in the 80’s, almost nothing in the 90’s. Since the 00’s it’s been getting a cooler vibe and better all around. Summers are fantastic - lots of outdoor concerts, festivals, diverse activities for all ages and interests, and very comfortable weather. I spend most of my summer there. We love North Buffalo and Elmwood village. The Parkways leading to Delaware Park and the Art Gallery. The waterfront is nice for the first time in my life. I go down there often. I spend time in the south towns on Lake Erie, in the city at the harbors and at Canalside, down the Niagara River, I visit the Falls, I go to Canada - especially to Niagara on the Lake, we like Lewiston, and Wilson on Lake Ontario. I would call the Metro rail a failure since it killed a portion of downtown just to build it. It goes to UB Main Street and stops. Lots of other reasons to not like it, but it’s something I guess. Buffalo style food is very good in general Paula donuts, pizza logs, chivettas, are not the reasons why. There are some great restaurants, and of course the staples- wings, beef on weck, Sahlens hot dogs, pizza and subs … There is a lot of Italian and Greek food, plus Polish and German , and now other kinds of food brought by immigrants from Central America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Several excellent breweries in WNY as well. Pretty good music scene. Lots of free live music in the summer. I caught some former members of Gamalon playing at The CPG last fall, that was a treat. We saw Peter Gabriel there recently too. Excellent art scene, AKG, the AllenTown art festival, Elmwood Ave shops and boutiques. Cool Urban art around Hertel and at Riverworks. Lots of people visit Buffalo for the architecture tours, most of the folks living there don’t even know much about it. Bills and Sabres dominate the sports scene Bison games in their pretty ballpark are nice Bandits won their league again last year. I was downtown that night They have a passionate fan base. UB shows signs of life in football and in hoops at times Lots of Colleges and they all are growing. This keeps the city hopping and brings in new ideas. Many city neighborhoods are still lovely, and many more need help. You can see signs of resurgence in parts of the West Side. Pegula helped a lot with Harbor Center and Canalside and other projects. Buffalo is better now than I can remember in terms of places to go and do that are in the city or very close to it. There is a lot more there, and lots of potential. The best thing is it’s small size compared to other major US cities. Buffalo has big time amenities in a small easy to manage package.
  4. Because of the strong 3rd period, that was one of their better games. If that is how they respond to getting yelled at then DG needs to yell some more. We are on the same November trend as we were the last two seasons. It’s time to string some wins together. Eventually the yelling won’t work. Take away ice.
  5. It’s not 1995. Enforcer means something different now. Some teams have several. We are not talking about the useless Andrew Peters type of enforcer. You just saw Hathaway destroy Cozens. His line also dominated the play every time they were on they ice. The zinger about old guys watching games in the Aud, that could offend almost half the people here, but we old guys don’t care about words.
  6. He called 5’10” Benson for high sticking their 6’6” goalie and no calls on the any of the 3 guys that roughed Benson. It was a ***** call. Worse, we were a man short for the final 1:50. That helped Winnipeg close out the game. What is there not to understand?
  7. This is very true. No traffic in front and through the slot. Just perimeter passing under pressure until we give up an odd man break on ourselves.
  8. Looking at the Playoff tracking slide. We are exactly at the point were we flat line, and we are doing it again. Three straight. A win tonight was critical.
  9. Sone of the youth played well. Like Peterka and Little Johnson. Fluke goal is the difference. We outplayed them overall but lost. The Benson penalty was a terrible call, home cooking.
  10. Terrible that they only called the 18 year old. Morrissey should have gone too
  11. Wow. They run Benson and these Jets announcers are proud. Good for Benson for sticking his nose in there were the goals are.
  12. Skinner stop passing. You are a shooter. Shoot.
  13. This is one of the Sabres better periods of hockey thus far thus season. Let see if they can steal this one.
  14. Geez Sabres giving the puck away … got lucky there
  15. Facts matter. As do classic gifs
  16. He is staying up. He looks top 6 on this team.
  17. Helly is blessed. Totally completely blessed.
  18. Ryan Johnson jumps into the play and helped the Krebs line get some offense. Good looking kid that Johnson.
  19. Peterka was been a bright spot this season
  20. Be more direct. Have more compete.
  21. The Jets announcers are a little optimistic. Jets had 4 shots, but 3 goals. Includes 2 power plays. We should have more. Not shooting enough, we hit a post too. That 2nd goal is on Samuelsson.
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