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Everything posted by Pimlach

  1. He is playing ok, and on this team he is currently top 6, but he is on a last place team. Quinn was top 6. Cozens was top 6. …
  2. Terry and Kim are there and they sprung for a suite too.
  3. Good even Teammates, I called the cable company, told them I was a personal friend of @Stoner and they gave me the upgraded sports pack, a one month free trial. so I’m in and McLeod scored. Nice!
  4. bad news for me. No game. ESPN+ is not covering it. It’s on NHL channel, NHLHD. The GDT is not correct.
  5. Agree John. I bet there are a few who won’t practice decorum. I hope they do a nice job for Rayzor and win the game too.
  6. Sounds about right. We had season tix from 1970 thru the 90's. I was surprised when I heard the current version, but I like it better. Great Anthem!
  7. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/02/01/582520660/canadian-national-anthem-revised-with-gender-neutral-language Here is the last change ^, making your thumbs down incorrect and inappropriate. There are other articles on the changes over the years Before that, whatever Joe is singing is anyone's guess, but he sang it like that for a long time with no issues raised. -- signing out on O'Canada
  8. Not always. He eventually added the “ God keep our land” part, it shocked me that the words changed.
  9. Yes. I know the Tenor Joe version by heart, lots of “standing on guard”. The song has changed over the years. Look it up on wiki.
  10. I do remember when a few words changed. Never gave it second thought. Just figured a few words changed and that was that. My Canadian friends never said he was singing it wrong at that time. Anything is possible I guess.
  11. I think Joe's words were correct at the time. The words have changed a few times over the years, most recent was 2018 to make it gender neutral.
  12. No doubt Cozens has been bad for 2 straight years and his contract looks like a bad one. Pettersson makes $11.6M. We are not freeing up $7M dollars (from Cozens), we are taking on an additional $4.8M. There is a reason Vancouver is moving on. And people here want to add Byram (23 and not even close to his ceiling), a #1 , and a prospect. If the deal happens I will jump on the bandwagon and hope that Pettersson proves my concerns are unwarranted. Trading a PPG player in the first year of his big contract has my antenna up. I want a roster of hungry and tough players, and I don't see it with this kid.
  13. I just read that Rutherford had a deal to move Miller and it fell through. If he moves Miller why wouldn’t he keep his superstar? I hope you are correct. I guess I have PTSD on Sabres trades. My risk tolerance is low right now.
  14. Fair. I look at his rift with Miller and wonder how and why it got so bad. Rutherford is looking to deal both of them away, take what you can from that. Like you, I have no other insight into the personalities involved. I assume Adams and his team can assess the injury easier than he can the personalities. How often does a team sign a 1C to a franchise player type deal and then bail on him so quickly? This screams Buyer beware. The Sabres cannot afford to ship out top assets like Byram and Cozens and blow the deal. That is why I’m apprehensive.
  15. I am in the minority here but there are red flags all over the place. We have room, but is he the right kind of player to help turn this program around? Vancouver is regretting the deal, maybe we should take heed.
  16. This thread keeps providing reasons to NOT trade for this guy. First it’s his performance that is falling, then it’s relationships, next he is considered a soft player, plus he has a huge contract, and now he has a chronic knee injury that takes away speed. No on acquiring this guy. The Sabres cannot afford to blow trades involving their better assets. They just cannot ship out guys like Byram, or even Cozens, for a hope and a prayer. If this guys fades away we are stuck with another bad contract. This guy is Jeff Skinner with a bad knee. No Pettersson please.
  17. We loved Tenor Joe in my neighborhood. My friend had a backyard ice rink that we all chipped in to help take care of. Over the years the rink got more elaborate with spotlights, boards, and batting cage netting to keep the pucks in play. The garage was near the rink and I rigged up a little sound system. Prior to games we pumped out a cassette recording of Tenor Joe singing the Canadian and US Anthems from a speaker in the garage window. I took my portable cassette recorder into the Aud and captured the songs live.
  18. Is he the right 1C? Pressure in Vancouver to perform, new big contract, results drop significantly. Does this sound familiar?
  19. I agree. If this team is going to get good then Thompson and Dahlin have to make it happen.
  20. I don't think Terry Pegula is in the same category as Dan Synder. I think he is a decent man that is well intended. I just want more effort to find someone that has the leadership and the NHL hockey know-how to restore the franchise, just like he did with the Bills. The Sabres need a top down cleansing. Until then I wont go to hockey games, and it pains me to have to do that.
  21. Glad you saw it because I posted that picture for you. You can see a young RJ, the start of a HoF career. Gilles Villemure, Guy Trottier, Dennis Hextall were all good NHL players. Allen Hamilton (top row) played for the Bisons in 69-70 and for the Sabres the very next season - Always a good party trivia question. Frank Christie was retained by the Knoxes, and Freddie Hunt was retained in the front office.
  22. The last Buffalo Professional Ice Hockey Champions.
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