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Everything posted by Pimlach

  1. Greybeard - Reminds me of a story, but to be brief I'll skip it and just say that I was once told we cannot say greybeard at work. It is offensive to women, men who can't grow beards, and elderly. Really. Change is inevitable, it is constant. I know what you are alluding too with the younger folks but you have to adapt in the workplace and hopefully reign things in when they go overboard. The only way you can do that is to be seen as firmly on the team. Which is why I have to question Granato and Adams on this booing topic. Someone should have explained to the players that this no salute idea was a bad idea. Tit for tat with the fans, your customers, is wrong. What will Terry Pegula do now that Harrington put it out there? If I were Pegula, Kevyn Adams would be in trouble right now.
  2. I am an audio nerd. I sure can't tell how many people boo from listening to the TV feed. I have been to games with booing. My nephew goes to half the home games. He doesn't like the booing either but he understands it. I would guess the boo birds are at most 3 out of 10, more typically 2 out of 10. The Donnie chants were barely audible to me. I was watching a TNT or ESPN televised home game, it might have been the same Kracken game that Harrington references. The announcers commented on the booing, laughed about it, and had nothing but sympathy for the fan base.
  3. It’s not about rights. I’m sick of people and their rights. It’s about leadership and accountability - there is none It’s about an organization that is so bad for so long that the fans cannot take anymore. It’s about a group of players, coaches, and managers that are collectively OVER THEIR HEADS with little hope in sight The fans in Buffalo have been too easy if anything. Again, the common denominator of all of this madness is down in Boca. What does he think? And why would Granato not put a stop to this? Or Adams not put a stop to it? Are they that soft too?
  4. How did Mitts make this list? He likes it here and wants to stay in the country club.
  5. The players no salute policy stopped after the 7-0 win last week. Even then, they were skating off but were redirected, and some of them went out to the circle. Big deal for them. Ironically, since the home wins are so scarce, most of us never knew this was happening. My TV feed on ESPN+ does not include post game. I read the article 3 times. I am more upset that Granato and Adams could even allow that to be their response. No one is in charge, to coin an old phrase - the lunatics are running the asylum. This group lacks accountability in the biggest ways. The things they say about the 13 year drought, especially alluding to “we haven’t been here for that long” tell me how much, or little, they care. It’s now beyond the players and it’s infected the coaching and the FO. Can it get any worse ?
  6. He is Ok. My problem with him is the roster make up. We have Dahlin, Power and R Johnson. Joki is not a complementary player to any of them, he is similar. I want a big, tough, stay at home solid guy - like Samuelsson should be but isn’t. We get that guy then Joki is expendable.
  7. I heard Skinners name on one shift at the end of the 2nd. Thats is. Of course Dan doesn’t call the game either so there’s that.
  8. They battled hard, give them that.
  9. UPL deserved a W I can’t remember the last time they tied a game late in the third. I can’t remember the last OT win either.
  10. Well, well. Look at that. A dirty goal. Finally a come from behind point. Now get the next goal.
  11. Wild going into shut down mode now. Buffalo has not figured this part of the game out all season. We will get strangled in the neutral zone and forced to the perimeter if in their end. I wish they could show some growth and tie it.
  12. It’s painful on the radio. You never know where the puck is let alone who has it. Terrible. Play by play should not be a lost art.
  13. Yet another guy gets his first goal ever on us. 16 seconds
  14. Hmm. What blood. Silly rule
  15. Finally heard Skinner’s name tonight.
  16. I do. I’m watching it.
  17. The power play quit I guess
  18. Did you get the stream working?
  19. Ok a PPG. Finally. Nice
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