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Everything posted by Pimlach

  1. Nice to see Quinner get one. I love to see Buffalo score a late goal. We were outplayed for long stretches but UPL has been on it.
  2. Actually, I think he is playing hard. Especially on the 2 PKs. We could use Greenway tonight.
  3. They are getting beat to the puck because they don’t want to get hit.
  4. This is a KHL goalie and they are too timid to test him. This team will not make contact with a Flyer.
  5. Thank you Granato for Skinner and VO on a line, then you put Robinson in for Skinner. Meanwhile you have Girgs at center. No wonder.
  6. I didn’t like the way they played. They have been outshot and outhit. Yet they lead. UPL had to be stellar and was.
  7. He is the best fighter on the team. Middle weight but he can get leverage and throw’em.
  8. Good evening Teammates, Punch checking a bit late. My feed is bad. No video on ESPN+. They get a -
  9. The Bills are the second best team in their conference and in the top 4 in the league. Which means little but they are in it because they have a star QB and some very good support players, and good coach. McD has not been able to win the big ones, just like Andy Reid could not for a long time, but nowAndy is the standard so i/ can hope that McD and the players can one day put it all together. It is in the realm of possible. And for the record further, it was actually Bill Parcells that turned the Pats around from doormat to contender - not Bellicheck. Belly had Brady, Bill had Bledsoe.
  10. Never will I wear a beaver hat, but thanks anyway. Seriously, your new found positively is nice. Not as fun, but nice.
  11. Just get a coach and GM that are like McDermott/Beane. Accept what happened in the past as history, own the current situation, and fix it. And get rid of everybody, no matter how much they make, that cannot help you fix it. And only bring in players that will help you fix it. Most of all they kept Pegula to a spectator role. They completely transformed the Bills who had a 17 year drought. It can be done. The Red Sox and Cubs had 90+ year droughts. The Pats* were mostly terrible until Bellichick.
  12. People love the sweater. The problem is the owner.
  13. No. Just get the right FO and coaches and the team we have is going to be fine. If you go expansion are the rules the same as the Vegas/Seattle expansion? if yes, it still comes down to ownership, FO, coaches. Either way you cannot have TP for ownership.
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