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    The Hockey Battlefield

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  1. My Tequilla days ended way back in the fall of 1988. That is when I realized that every time I drink Tequilla someone wants to fight me.
  2. Murray, Botterill, and Housley were all stretch hires, and while known around the league, they each had limited experience for the job they we getting in Buffalo. Botterill is one of 3 AGM's in Seattle. Bylsma is finally getting another shot. Housley is still learning as an assistants coach. LaFontaine was a major stretch too. LaFontaine gave us Murray, who I think was a very poor leader and an impatient GM. Murray was never involved in hockey after that stint in Buffalo. If Adams gets canned TP will probably offer the job to Karmanos. I seriously doubt he pays for a big name guy.
  3. I hear this stuff too. Now, why don't we hear it from the Bills side? Is Beane that good of a politician when it comes to keeping the boss happy?
  4. Both are spot on. If Adams gets fired it could get even worse. Any decent GM will want to hire his own coach and FO staff. What good GM candidates want to work for Terry? Maybe Karmanos would take it, and be better than Adams, and that kind of move is less disruptive as well.
  5. Really a very strange take ^. Dahlin and Power were not selected by the same GM and they were selected 3 years apart and that was purely fate, and not a plan. Regarding the selection of Power, Adams took what he considered to be the BPA It’s that simple. The same GM that was allegedly building “defense first” failed to bring in reliable NHL goaltending and lost a lot of games with Tokarski, Dell, etc. That same GM drafted 3 centers in the first round in the same draft. That same GM hired a coaching staff that could not install a defensive system without ruining their offensive system. He also failed in getting Chyckrun and Pesce. He traded for Byram simply because he was the best player he could get for Mitts. There was no grand plan to any of it, he didn’t want to pay Mitts - and he never talked to them about it. Maybe Byram turns into a great player and maybe Power “continues to progress”, but a good hockey team requires a talented and balanced roster and a capable HC.
  6. On notice is hysterical. Real teams fire coaches and GMs if they miss the playoffs two times in a row. In the case of the Sabres we really should fire the Owner.
  7. I think I have a solution for Terry.
  8. But if Greenway continues to play strong defensively, adds a mean streak, and chips in 14-18 goals, then Lindy likes him.
  9. I didn't vote. We don't know what the 3rd line is except for McLeod is at C. Good assumptions are that Zucker does not crack top 6 and Greenway is still top 9 and you get a line. Not sure its a good one but it might be. Is Benson ready for top 6? Will Krebs work his way into the line up, and where? Not sure about Malenstyn-Lafferty-Abe Kubel as a line either. They are fast and they hit people, they were 4th liners on other teams, we know that much. Lindy is a line mixer and he likes to match up with situational players so we could see a lot of shuffling for awhile.
  10. To add other points to "how you see it": (1) the Sabres opened up a slot to give Krebs a shot at 3C; and (2) they think that their prospect pool can help them overcome the loss of Mitts at center. They failed to trade their #1 pick for top 6 help, so they traded Savoie for a 3C, and they drafted another center in round 1 that now appears to be their new top prospect at center. Adams tends to miss on attempts to improve the team "right now", to win today, but he does seem to find good prospects/players in the draft. I can't wait to see what Byram brings. I am concerned that a organization like Colorado, a recent Cup winner, was willing to make this trade. They traded for better value right now (Mitts over Byram) to win today. Despite Byram's lofty 4OA draft status, they moved on him to fill a big hole in their roster. So yes, its a risky deal that counts on Byram reaching his potential. Most defenseman peak in their late 20's, can they afford to keep Byram that long given the amount of dollars already invested on the blueline?
  11. Still can't fix my slice this season. I need to stay on the fairway. Need to get a few lessons I suppose.
  12. What???? So defenseman willing to play a physical style are crease clearing gorillas? smh Every defenseman is responsible to keep the crease and the slot area cleared and support the goalie. Power is not special. He needs to get physically invested in the game. That is all I ask. He needs to be willing to use that big body to his advantage and there must be more effort to support every Sabre teammate on the ice.
  13. Hitting (throwing a body check), or using your body as leverage to defend. So far Power doesn’t do either.
  14. I think I will go to Buffalo and catch that home opener. Gonna look into it.
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