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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. 3-2 buffalo. kotalik on the power play
  2. 2-2... leclair scored a legit goal against the sabres
  3. biscuit!! yeah, they spent an entire segment talking about fleury being a rookie... then after the 2nd goal they blame it on the tight fitting uniform, and how he'dmadke the saves in years past. even my wife, who could care less, plus she's reading a book and not paying attention said "these guys are terrible... i like the buffalo announcers better." although, then she started mentioning van jennerentz, which made her entire argument invalid.
  4. 2-1 buffalo. gaustad scores on a wide shot, which was an easy save by the goalie.
  5. these fsn pittsburgh guys suck... we're all very lucky to have had rick jennerette and ted darling as our announcers for the past 35 years.
  6. WHAT A FINISH!!! 2 shots hit the post behind biron.. caps put on HUGE pressure. game was sealed when grier, minus his stick, dove (picture bobby orr dive) to intercept a pass and clear the zone. we win 3-2 in a very entertaining game.
  7. crap... 3-2 now. pettinger (sp?) on a rebound. 1:45 to go
  8. shortie!!! jochan hecht scores on the backhand. 3-1 bad bad goal by kolzig... connolly did a great job of keeping it in the zone though. that was the first shorthanded goal of the year by the sabres
  9. still up 2-1, halfway through the 3rd... sabres are playing defensive, but still no giving up too many chances to the caps... its an uptight game though.
  10. vanek scored on that one
  11. 2-1 buffalo on a sweet shot on a 2 on 1 break. end of the 2nd period
  12. another penalty by the caps..
  13. well, its 1-1, but we have a powerplay now
  14. great first period... pomeville (sp?) scored on the powerplay on a quick pass that could only be seen in HD (it was very fast). not a lot of work on biron.. defense has kept the puck to the outside and working out of the zone. this buffalo team is playing much better than t he other one.
  15. you can come over here right after you're finished in the TBD bills/panthes game chat.
  16. was i attacking him? just stating the facts. he played a great game last night though.
  17. I didn't see the game at all, but to comment your marty comment, he always seems to step up his game after he's been challenged by a backup...
  18. i'm with you PTR... this team has shown that it can come back from being down... That and shooting the puck from the point (ala mckee from last night) have really given the sabres an advantage in the third period. People rag on the goaltending because it is a weakness (at least goaltending depth... remember people,. we have a calder cup candidate who's about to be able to play again)... This is a playoff team, who can do some damage.
  19. SCOOOOOOOORES!! Connolly and kotalik scored on the shootout... barely. That puck rolled, in super slow motion, over the line... Either way, biron wasn't biroff tonight and the good guys came back from two down to win it.
  20. BIRON HOLDS!! (so far...)
  21. kotalik, vanek, and connolly to shoot... lindy must read TSR!!
  22. that was a great OT period... now hopefully they can close the deal on the shootout.
  23. SCOOOOOOOOORES! kotalik scores on a sweet drive to the net with 2 minutes to go... 3-3
  24. its 3-2 islanders after 2. briere is out though. does anyone have any info? i wasn't able to hear the islanders guys talking about it.
  25. either way, we need miller back, pronto... if noronen has to miss any time, this team is done for the short term.
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