7:00pm. Join us here for game discussion, or in the chatroom.
I sense a major event occuring tonight... Whether it be a monumental whooping, monumental collapse, monumental screwjob, or monumental incident, there's some unfinished business from last year. I don't think the sabres are still over that april fools beatdown, the tucker/hecht thing, the ruff/tucker thing. I don't think the maple leafs are over the playoff elimination drubbing, the peters golf swing, or the tucker/ruff thing. Add peca to the mix, and 6,000+ additional season tickets (6,000 less maple leafs fans) and we've got ourselves a game. I do believe that miller will shine tonight. he's had a crappy couple of games, so tonight is the perfect night to shine... Plus, biron will probably get the start tomorrow, so miller will need a performance to remind everyone that he's the #1 guy.