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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. sorry about not starting the game thread this morning. I overslept, plus i thought it was thursday... Thanks to sabreinfla. Anyhow, this is definitely a game that the sabres should win. The BN was hinting that biron may get the start tonight. I'd love for marty to start tonight and miller to get the call tomorrow against hte leafs. This is a good benchmark game to see if the sabres "play down to their opponents level". I don't see it happening... Plus, our three all stars will want to show that weak western conference how its done. Buffalo 6 Chicago 1.
  2. WE WIN!!!! 4-3 buffalo!
  3. is it me, or does sundin look just like Kane of the WWE?
  4. way to goon it up sundin!
  5. I think its quite ironic that CBC played a commercial with a ref telling the crowd that he'd make up for a bad call by calling a pointless penalty later in the game on the other team... the catch was "quite refreshing"... it would be refreshing if these refs made up a call for the sabres...
  6. Gaustad got that penalty to end the period... But damn, he's a warrior. We'll all be glad that paul gaustad is a buffalo sabre when it comes time for the playoffs
  7. teppo got robbed with that penalty. the guy dove!
  8. alienware is great... it comes ONLY with windopws installed. no spyware like with the bargain computers this is a BAD power play. yikes
  9. keep it shut during this commercial break...
  10. what protective measures are you talking about?? if you mean firewall/AV/etc protection, i'm golden... If you mean greasy fingers all over it, i'm golden (i have an old usb keyboard and mouse), if you mean surge protection, I'm golden. 3 year warranty... i'm golden... Now, if i could only gain access to the damn tech support page i'll be really golden. back to the game. I like the way we're playing!!!
  11. paetsch dragged it in, vanek had a pretty pass, and briere broke raycroft's ankles
  12. good hard working period for the sabres... I missed the 2nd goal though... tech support call for my new laptop (its an alienware... i'm having trouble activating my online account so i can get to the driver downloads, the computer kicks MAJOR butt though) HOLY BRIERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3-1
  13. 2-0 buffalo early... peters just got hit and limped off. he's really hurting on the bench though. got hurt blocking a shot off of the foot... went down like a civil war reenactment.
  14. ok am i stupid or is the dtv guide messed up? i can't find the sabres game... this could be bad. edit: its on 764... HNIC feed. the guide updated after the afternoon game.
  15. please don't take offense, but i'm going to be harsh... I cannot stand the attitude of "don't be so critical of the one or two losses. This team is great, they have been awesome all season and its ok that they lost last night. Don't be so critical of the one loss because they were awesome before!!" Yes, overall the team has been great, and they may well end up the best team in hockey by the end of the regular season. However, each game is important, and we should be critical of each loss. With such a long schedule, the season must be compartmentalized into groups. The 10-0-0 sabres were a different group than the november sabres, and a different group than the december sabres, and a different group from the injured tallinder/afinogenov/drury/etc.group, and finally the 0-2-0 since last wednesday group. To discredit these two losses means just as much as to discredit 2 wins in the early 10-0 streak... I'll gladly discredit the ottawa and pittsburgh game if you discredit the red wings and flyers games in october. In summary, i HATE the losing and the heartless play that i've seen this week. It's shameful and worrisome. This team is good enough and lindy ruff is a good enough coach to turn it around, but it must be turned around tonight. No exceptions. Again, i appologize for sounding very harsh and critical of your optinion. I do value your opinion, and those like yours, but in my eyes its a losers mentality. You come to win every game and every loss sucks. I wanted this team to go 82-0-0, gaining 164 points, and if they don't we'll work backwards from there. Losing sucks and no team should ever expect it.
  16. 7pm i don't really care how its done, but this team needs to win tonight and they need to throw the body. I'm sick of this finesse crap. It doesn't work consistantly and it WILL NOT work in the playoffs... Just ask martyhavlatisgod... He'll be able to talk us all down in late april, if the sabres continue to play soft like this. Tonight is the perfect night to right the ship. The sabres invade the ACC looking to smack the sh-- out of Darcy Tucker and his merry band of "hockey players".
  17. starting marty is the best way to shake things up with this team... With a team of scrubs, like the flyers or 01-02 sabres, you could bench so an so, adjust lines, and do things like that. This team is so chemistry driven that changing the goalie seems to be the best option... Not to mention that marty's the starting goalie for 20 out of the 30 teams in the NHL anyways. The BN quoted ruff as stating that marty will either start tonight or tomorrow...
  18. 8pm I'd love for biron to start tonight. Not that miller was the sole reason for the sens loss, but this team needs a shakeup. Paetsch in for Tallinder also, but that really does not worry me. Tallinder hasn't really helped the PP, and he was great with the PK till wednesday. The shakeup will be good for the sabres. Tonight they have the neutralize malkin and crosby and hope that they can grind out a goal if they come out flying in the 1st. Wednesday's game was totally mental. They lost that game because they did not score early and were scored upon shorthanded. Totally mental... which they can't get trapped with tonight against the pens. Buffalo 3, Pittsburgh 2, OT. The Sabres need an OT thriller... haven't had one of those in a while.
  19. hope tallinder comes back in the 3rd... They need a quick goal to get htemselves a chance. if not, talk about an absolute confidence shattering game. PP sucks, PK sucks, nothing going 5-on-5. Bad things man, bad things...
  20. I'm worried about this game too... We're absolutely dominating the play and emery is the only reason why the score isn't 6-0. More often than not, the team that's getting shelled finds a way to come back. Hope the sabres can bury a friggin PP chance to open the 2nd. Besides the score, i really don't think i've seen as good a 1st period in a long time. Time to dial in the scoring touch!
  21. 7:30pm I really don't have much to say about this game. The sabres are finally healthy, they're rolling, and they must beat the senators. For whatever reason, ottawa has had our number this year. They played horrible against the sens the last time that they played together, so i think its time we set ottawa straight. I would like to see paetsch in a regular rotation for numminen though. Maybe kalinin too? remember how well dimitri played after he was benched last year? he played great. I'd love for him to get benched again.
  22. remember the debate over lindy vs. nolan? those were the days!!! Nolan was a great coach for those guys back then. Time will tell if he's great now, but come on folks... the only thing holding us back from calling Lindy "Future hall of famer Lindy" is time. I wish Nolan well, and it'll be interesting to see if he can inspire the uninspirable (yashin, satan, zhitnik), but i wish a thrashing upon his team today!! but damn, those 1995-1997 years were fun. The team basically sucked as bad as the 01-03 team, but boy were they fun to watch!
  23. 4pm This game will be shown on the Vs network, not MSG, so take note. Well, its the sabres and the islanders. I think the sabres will keep on rolling and will want to set the new year off with a bang. The islanders will come to play though, so the sabres will HAVE to be tough. Hopefully spacek will be ok from taking that shot to the knee... The is also ted nolan's first game in Buffalo since the 1997 playoffs. Not expecting it, but i hope the team does something for him with a pregame video or something... Imagine how that place would rock if they showed the plante goal, barnaby, boughner, ray, and may beating up people, and the snow vs. shields fight? Good lord.... Anyhow, i thing the sabres will roll in this one, 5-1.
  24. i believe that lindy secured the all star eastern conference head coach position with tonight's victory. I d id not see the game, however from what i heard, the sabres were just good enough to capitalize on opportunities that they should have. The PK was excellent tonight, as was miller. Great to see vanek pad his stats with the ENer, as he's been really playing hard. My only concern is that spacek's knee might be a lingering thing for a couple of weeks. Time will tell... Anyhow, awesome way to end the year!! after that game 7 in june, who would have thought that moment would mearly be a stepping stone rather than a defining moment of the year 2006... Time will tell the truth about 2006, but at this moment, 2006 simply sets up the greatness to come in 2007. GO SABRES!!!
  25. vanek with the Miro Moment!! 4-1 buffalo. signed,
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