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Everything posted by caseydean

  1. Given that he was playing with undiagnosed bi-polar disorder and was addicted to drugs and alcohol when he self-medicated, I suppose getting medical treatment changed a lot.
  2. Was at the game last night with my daughter. Excellent game. Sabres could not finish, but Holtby had a lot to do with that. He really stood on his head. Without the Hutton brain fart--and it happens to everyone-- would have gotten at least a point. Loved the Sabres' game in the 3rd especially. Tough loss. But this team is so much better than before night in and night out-- except against Florida.
  3. Going to the Road Show in DC tonight. Hoping RJ is in good form.
  4. caseydean


    Now that they've lost 12 in a row, I am done with this team.
  5. That card brought tears to my eyes, although I really don't know why.?
  6. Bad day. Good thing they built up a cushion. Hopefully they will rebound soon.
  7. This team is good. That was fun. Now a more reasonable schedule.
  8. And, if you watch, after the poke check he ever so slightly interferes with the goalie with his right skate, delaying Jones getting back into position. Beautiful
  9. Sorry to here of such a loss on one day. I hope the game made you smile for a while.
  10. Not me. I live in a fantasy world like the President. Peace brother, I am going to enjoy the win. Take care. :-)
  11. I have been going to games since 1970 too. You are not being realistic, for some reason you want to be a downer. I assume nothing other than reading what you wrote after an historic win. Every team blows leads, it's hockey as Promo writes. And don't shovel that realism crap. It's a euphemism for negativity. 10 wins in a row, that's the reality.
  12. First time this happened all year. Sh** happens. It is not an indicator of a trend or even a problem. On a night when they made history, your comment is petty. Lighten up.
  13. Agreed.This was done by someone who apparently has no training in statistics or hockey. The game to game predictions have the sophistication of a third grader.
  14. Statistic analysis sites have the current playoff chances between 50-70%, depending on methodology. If some one offers 10-1, bet the house.
  15. Shared season tickets in the gray section behind the goal starting in 1971-72. Remember Eddie Shack on the program cover up in the air hog tying a Golden Seal.
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