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  1. We’ve lived right on Lake Ontario year round for the last 14 years in Orleans County. Like others have said, winter is enjoyable as well, because hardly anyone is here. The Finger Lakes sound interesting, but the atmosphere here has killed my desire to go anywhere else.😊
  2. Amazing…Al Green on Letterman. https://youtu.be/rM45KVuZRvk?si=-TisJJgMu8W8Hcy6
  3. I’ve been listening with this site for a while. It works well: https://onlineradiobox.com/us/wgr550/?cs=us.wgr550&played=1
  4. Original call by Danny Gallivan… Howe’s goal announced by Gallivan, with commentary by Mark Howe. Really liked Gallivan’s “a cannonating drive!” call he use to make. Can almost still hear him say it about one of Gil Perreault’s or Rick Martin’s blasts!
  5. “Sutter died at the age of 69 at a hospice in Cartersville, Georgia, on October 13, 2022, after a recent diagnosis of cancer.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Sutter
  6. The extra Sabre’s players could do a NHL version of a ‘Manning cast’. They learn a new skill and the team can stay on budget! Problem solved… 😏
  7. Not sure if this has been posted already. 6min52 sec version of interview…
  8. Pacino vs. De Niro…
  9. A ton of passion from Weeks on the subject of the Sabres. He contrasted Sabres under Pegulas’ ownership vs. LVGK Bill Foley’s approach from the beginning. My attempt at gleaning from what he said...’Just before the expansion draft, LVGK owner Foley stated hius vision to Weeks & crew. Traits will be hard to play against, never retreat, never give in, first class treatment of everyone in org, be knights of valor, always on our toes, we’re going to attack. Our rink will be this, our practice rink will be that. SC year 1, no absenteeism from anyone including Foley, direct commitment to excellence in everything they do.’
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