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Everything posted by JohninMinn.

  1. It will never get old for me and this team.
  2. There's real people here?
  3. I disagree Benson is a small guy. Ruff knows the psychology of the game. Early season calls for psychological dominance. Finess comes later.
  4. Since he is no longer here I will say it for him. We showed a lot of compete from the guys tonight.
  5. I hope Lindy isn't an Alamo guy. Can't remember.
  6. How many years does it take to get over a hockey fight?
  7. Let's take advantage of the moment. One, two, three we want four!
  8. Seeing a sliver of daylight. One period at a time fellas.
  9. Yes because everyone said Meatballs was the problem.
  10. I can not watch todays game due to a severe case of Buffalo Sports PTSD. Winning streaks are my only cure. Good luck fellas.
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