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Everything posted by JohninMinn.

  1. Stacking wins is the only option right now. Talent is there still not sure the heart is.
  2. 6 in a row is in play. Looking forward to team bonding out west. Each player will put a lock of Bensons hair under their pillow.
  3. The guy doesn't even have a slapshot.
  4. I been watching hockey for 84 years I never seen that call out of the box. Looked funny just seeing the stick come out.
  5. G. Goals. Assists Tot +- Benson 34 4 10 14. -1 Olafsson 31 4 8 12 +2 Yet Benson is constantly gushed over.
  6. Mittsy has to start shooting more. No shots on goal that period.
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