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Everything posted by Getpucksdeep

  1. https://www.nhl.com/news/faceoff-inside-the-nhl-to-launch-on-prime-video-on-oct-4-2024 This new series dropped last night on Amazon Prime. Way too much Eichel in the open but looks pretty good. Behind the scenes with Oilers clip here:
  2. I can't use my tickets. If anyone wants them lmk.
  3. True, more likely next season points wise. But in terms of value to the team, I think he could be there.
  4. He's better than Reinhart. I picked option #1.
  5. Right ESPN+ is great. Just missing Big 10. Hopefully they didn't lose ecac and hockey east to Flo. If so I will probably suck it up. Full season for the cost of attending a single sabres game.
  6. Nice job. A few familiar names on the start list. Face plant at around 2:30 minics my CX experience lol, I stick to the road.
  7. Definitely taking that if available on my app of choice
  8. Initial headlines were "dies in car accident" or something like that (lazy reporting) which led me down the path of probably 25 year old millionaire driving his sports car 100mph. Come to find out he was out for a bike ride, so personally very close to home and triggered. Murder, manslaughter. Killed works. Sucks for the family any time something like this happens. Hopefully the killer gets locked up for a long time and people drive less like ***** especially when bikes and pedestrian/runners etc are sharing the road.
  9. Can we get a title change on this thread? As a cyclist who deals with this danger every day, and having lost a couple friends to similar incidents, it's frustrating the media and world goes with "car accident" when actually in this case it's murder.
  10. If "hard to play against" top end players that finish checks and do the little nasty things to win goes away - trying to think of current examples - maybe oveckin, crosby, landeskog, marchand, tkachuk, barkov. and the league is more Matthews, Marner, McDavid, Eichel, Reinhart, Middlestat, Panarin types. I think the Sabres are in a very good place w/ the D. On the other hand if the hard game remains, we got all the skill to match, but when push comes to shove I don't like our chances. Maybe, said another way, I think we look good vs Gen Z but not so much against Millennials.
  11. If nothing else this coming season I would love for the hometown crowd to figure out this chant and make it regular. Not sure where it fits during game day, but it felt like when this group of beautiful humans came to town, UPL really thrived and cemented himself as the man and his teammates loved it too. https://www.nhl.com/sabres/news/buffalo-sabres-czech-slovakia-fan-club-feature-viktor-maudr-and-club-visit-buffalo-for-the-first-time-during-six-game-homestand
  12. Makes more sense. I Patreon(?) a few creators and haven't heard anything, and quick search yielded nada. THG is good people, sorry this happened to him.
  13. Also Tropp wagon. That one sucked, he was shaping up to be a solid and versatile player. And I don't think he got a NHL contract before fading out.
  14. It's not terrible on a PC or phone. On the ROKU app or casting from PC to TV was rough. I would usually end up watching on laptop w/ the TV on whatever the wife wants to watch.
  15. Yeah I'll renew. I did the annual, $308. Also YTTV and also WNY. Son is a Knicks fan so that helps justify. Feed quality sucks, but it's the only option. I got tired of chasing around feeds, and if I watch 25-30 games (have a half-season package + the other networks) that's ~$10-12 per. Less than a beer at the rink!
  16. 30 goals if 82gp. Skills aside, he's the catalyst with the right attitude and relationship with his teammates. Everyone elevates when he's in the lineup. It's gonna be fun.
  17. Not saying another piece wouldn't be nice, but Quinn is our best forward and 3rd line is crazy talk. If he stays healthy for 82 I wouldn't be surprised by 82 points. He's worth the price of admission, like at the game in person, not on TV - watch him make space and anticipate. It's special. Also, brings the 200 feet as they say.
  18. Don't love it being back loaded again. Other things to do in April.
  19. Lack of replay angles on the broadcast very NHL. And wasn't even discussed between periods until returning to Ferraro.
  20. Like Vanek. Nice piece, but not galvanizing.
  21. Bad look on that one for the refs and the rule book.
  22. Ha. At least he calls the play more than that other guy Mr. "zijanabad scores!" paired with Ferraro. So much useless trivia during play, mute.
  23. SYR smothered the entire series. Not a pretty brand but a winning brand. Is what it is, our guys couldn't break through. Not for lack of trying. Also SYR capitalized on mistakes, classic playoff winning hockey.
  24. Oh I'm there. Grabbed tickets first hour of sale. Just excited to see it's full house and virtually nothing on the resale market. Can't remember this much demand last year or recently. Good stuff! And a white out. (wonder if amerks are wearing white too lol)
  25. There are like no tickets available. $160 each for a single pair on stubhub. Dang.
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