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Everything posted by Billssabres33

  1. I have a problem with the schedule. It’s hard to develop a rivalry with a divisional opponent when you only play them 4 times in an 82 game season. Why can’t the rotate the western conference opponents very year? Would save on travel costs and beef up the intensity in divisional games.
  2. I posted something recently about him…it pains me to see him win when he had greater expectations of Buffalo than Buffalo did of him (shockingly). He gets to enjoy tonight. We’ll see if it has changed him. I wish him no ill will but I look forward to the Sabres meeting him in the future.
  3. I’ve really struggled with FL vs LV because of Eichel vs Reinhardt but I think Eichel is the antichrist in terms of Sabres hockey. I would prefer Florida win this thing but there would be some poetic Justice if we see LV in the finals and woop them with Jacky boy as their leader.
  4. I was there tonight!
  5. As you know, Whelihans has a bunch of locations so it is a fallback for me when traveling in the area… I agree not the same. We were in Buffalo for the Green Bay game this year and went to my favorite place… can anyone tell me where this is?
  6. I live in south jersey…a couple of decent places over here…Jay’s Elbow Room, Jug Handle Inn and PJ Whelihand’s. If you haven’t been over all are worth a try
  7. At least Ottawa is an up and comer…Philly and Columbus we should have just taken care if business.
  8. Regrettable losses: columbus philly (twice!)
  9. I was going to point this out as well…sad for knight and his family. I wonder how much the panthers knew of this situation they traded Devon
  10. Right?! Most people I know in Philly jokingly say “isn’t Buffalo a part of Canada?” I can’t wait until we start winning some things…not gonna rub it in anyone’s face but these types of comments will sting a little less
  11. Buffalo seemed to be the only team/city to take a chance on this in 2008…I know that every team is bidding on this every year. Boston for some reason has been allowed to host it twice already. Maybe by the time the new stadium is built we can get back on the schedule? I’d love to see the Ralph get it one more time before it goes away
  12. I think part of LB’s point is that those hits are missing too…at least from the Sabres game
  13. When you break it down this way, I can remember the mystique of playing Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver in the mid 80’s. I remember when Darren Puppa got the call and I think it was his first appearance with the Sabres and he shut out the oilers 2-0 maybe. I thought that was so cool.
  14. I thought about no goal too. That was painful
  15. I agree with 5…beating bruins or flyers is always fun!
  16. A little more nostalgia is just what this off-season is calling for! Could be on or off the ice. My top 5 in no particular order would be: 1. May Day goal and call. Beat the bruins and just damn exciting 2. fog/bat game. Announced the arrival of the Buffalo Sabres 3. Alex Mogilny’s defection opened the flood gates to a giant pool of hockey talent 4. acquisition of the Dominator started an era of domination 5. Black Sunday (I think) July 1 2007. Started the great slide what are yours?
  17. I hear what you are saying, but it might be worth it to take a flier or 2 every year because it’s not like this is a precise formula…I see what he is trying to do but it may never work out. Should he take a swing in the short run, especially when he has so much cap room?
  18. Like all of us, I am watching what happens on the open market and I just saw Klingberg sign with the Ducks for 7mm 1 season. I know that Kevyn is focusing on home grown and long term results. But should he sprinkle in signings like this, or Kadri on a short-term deal or others especially with all this cap room to see if he can catch lightning in a bottle? Culture is king, but taking a chance here and there might make some sense…
  19. Johnny Dangerously ESS Enlarged Scrotun Syndrome
  20. Watching these highlights it looks like Quinn was in and around the plays…maybe a breakthrough coming?
  21. I agree…harbor center has some nice views
  22. I waited to see if this got its own thread. Not sure if it’s posted elsewhere, but I think it deserves its own conversation. I, for one am glad to hear this. I know the Pegulas have gotten a lot of flack for the performance of this franchise, and rightfully so. They’ve definitely made a lot of mistakes but I don’t think there is a better owner for keeping this franchise in western NY AND eventually making them competitive again. https://buffalonews.com/sports/sabres/pegula-sports-executive-buffalo-sabres-are-not-for-sale/article_8b467b48-aeaf-11ec-adbf-4b872760cb09.html
  23. My first GDT. Tough matchup. Crebs at center. We seem to be taking 2 steps forward and 1 step back which is a marked improvement over the 1 step forward 3 steps back that previous regimes had us doing. Hopefully tonight they can continue moving forward even if it is a loss. Go Sabres!
  24. Man, Sabres fans are much different than Bills fans…11 years? Please, you don’t know what pain is!
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