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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. LET'S ***** GO !!!
  2. I'm sweating bullets already...
  3. And the movie. Danny rolled up and stole Johnny's girl.
  4. That's 10 minutes I'll never get back in the default Paint program!
  5. Nobody's buying the Sabres puck caps designed by Matty P? Who would have thunk it...
  6. Missing Girl Survives Freezing Blizzard by Hugging Stray Dog for 18 Hours -Newsweek
  7. He was born a pauper to a pawn... Dammit!
  8. Is it me or is Houser's neck on 'roids?
  9. That's what she...oh nevermind.
  10. "Sneaky son of a gun," nice...
  11. I wanna know how that generator works. I'd giggle my balls off doing that gig.
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