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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. Ha, I'm itching to torment my kids with lampreys and those rasping teeth. The lampricide available is highly effective and conspecific. If I'm not mistaken the federal program has been highly successful.
  2. Lots of nice dive spots in Lake Erie that most people don't realize exist.
  4. Punta Cana. First time taking the kids to an all inclusive and surprisingly don't regret it.
  5. I'm disappointed the thread is gone. Didn't realize it went sideways. I was trying to come up with some solid material for it.
  6. Doubtful but I 'member despising whenever Tage stepped on the ice because I thought he was a dumpster fire. Glad I was wrong.
  7. This likely means season ending surgery with possible return in second month of next season right?
  8. Didn't know garbage day fell on a Sunday in Tampa.
  9. Yikes, gonna get ugly
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