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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. I can't believe that didn't go in
  2. That was trash
  3. I hate Toronto so much...so much
  4. First time I've seen this. As a huge fan of The Doors, this is incredible. Thank you.
  5. Damn man, sorry to hear this. I'm glad you're in good spirits and on the mend. Get on those fish when you can. Someone's gotta slay all those Ontario lakers!
  6. Holy hell man. Not sure what happened since I don't follow on here as much as others but I'm really sorry and I hope you're on the up and up.
  7. What I've been kinda worrying about. Hope he can still put foot to ass. I am dying at work over this.
  8. Granato's available
  9. 2103?! He's gonna be around that long?!
  10. Bandits hosting home playoff game
  11. Josh Allen owns an investment bank company?
  12. Even if it is mere speculation it still makes me nervous about the chance of a team relocation.
  13. I really wish Girgs would have been traded to a playoff bound team. IMO he deserves it. Maybe they make the playoffs next year and he's still here. That would be cool AF.
  14. Skinner needs to go
  15. Looks like he could be Bubbles' brother
  16. I've been trying to mow my lawn for days now. The backyard is starting to resemble Vietnam.
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