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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. My favorite movie, though A Clockwork Orange is right up there too. My favorite group.
  2. Beat down, love it. Happy for the fans who attended.
  3. It's like they're just pining to switch over to that game.
  4. Would have been an awesome game to attend.
  5. What's up with the stache on that coach?!
  6. I cannot comprehend how that stupid rope element could possibly be in fashion. LET'S F'N GO!!! K SOME A TONIGHT!
  7. Crazy seeing Lindy behind the bench
  8. That Rodgers/Saleh embrace looked awkward AF.
  9. Is it me or does A-a-ron Rodgers look old AF?
  10. Let's Goooooooo!
  11. I'm sure nearly every Bills fan loved the Allen hurdle into the end zone for the td but tbh I blurted out while he did that that it was stupid. He can't do that ***** and expect to play a whole season. Hopefully the hand is okay.
  12. Prediction: It's gonna be a long year.
  13. Title made me laugh, I needed that. Thanks.
  14. I concur with this
  15. I think this team is gonna be ***** this year.
  16. Padron 1926 series. My go to.
  17. What chaps my hide is people demanding antibiotics after a day or two of sniffling and coughing. It's probably a goddam virus people. Antibiotics aren't going to help you.
  18. Buffalo is nice but this is nicer right now
  19. This debate is embarrassing. We're *****.
  20. Was briefly tempted to start collecting again until my buddy got back into it and I found out he invested in multiple multi-tiered racks for them.
  21. This gif is creeping me the ***** out.
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