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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. What's with all the name changes?
  2. My Dad's friends' backyard was already flooded at 3:30.
  3. At least the air quality will be good for where my Dad lives
  4. Personally it's whatever for me at this point. I've been fortunate to see this team at a lot of peaks. What pisses me off is that my son has no interest in the Sabres. Their decade plus of ineptitude has probably severely damaged a new fan base generation.
  5. Rodgers is coach now
  6. Man I despise KC
  7. Nope, never watched a game in my life.
  8. I see this is going to be a heavy drinking Buffalo sports season for me.
  9. Wait, is this Thorny? I've been out of the loop.
  10. Could you imagine if Jerry Jones owned this franchise? He may be a meddler but heads would have rolled years ago. This franchise is an embarrassment. It's on autopilot without any direction, content on just the fact that exists.
  11. Oh, they still suck? Who would have thunk it with KA not doing something meaningful in the off-season. He shuffled the deck chairs...again. ***** that guy.
  12. I see they picked up where they left off last year. Maybe they should just stay in Prague.
  13. Piss on this
  14. Gabe Davis reincarnated
  15. My favorite movie, though A Clockwork Orange is right up there too. My favorite group.
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