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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. Like what the actual *****?! https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Trump+Gaza+video&&view=detail&mid=E363F1A4D3564226CFDCE363F1A4D3564226CFDC&&FORM=VRDGAR
  2. Rayzor's probably mainlining grease right now.
  3. How?! Dude was totally sleeping
  4. Dude, I'm pissing myself over this. I mean, you can't make this ***** up!
  5. Or throw peanuts at them and try to get a matching right eye.
  6. Nobody's interested in polishing this turd anymore.
  7. I don't think he gives AF anymore
  8. Goddam, looks like Ray just got off the ice in his heyday with that eye.
  9. It's like the TB Bucs' creamsicle colors Rayzor rockin' the food baby
  10. I am beyond flabbergasted that somehow Musk has been given this incredulous amount of authority and he comes out on a stage blinged out looking like a third Blues Brother and acting like he's just been introduced as a guest on The Tonight Show. Then wields a goddam chainsaw on camera as tens of thousands of people are out of jobs because of him! Are you ***** kidding me?!
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