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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. Maybe McDermott believed the defense could score points more than the offense.
  2. It was a shot at Bill's brass (or McClappy if he indeed is running the show). I was referring to the mismanagement of the team. If they selected a QB based on big hands for adverse weather conditions and he busts it'll set this team back even more.
  3. They're getting blown out slightly less than in other games but there is time left to change that.
  4. "it's windy, it's cold. That big strong arm will help him". No it won't. He's a bust. Sorry to be a negative Nancy.
  5. Exactly, is this not a deal breaker for this regime?
  6. Oh hey garbage time stats. Yeah.
  7. Even the refs are bailing on this game.
  8. Goddam it Milano. He would have been gone.
  9. This QB was probably packing his face full of gummi worms on the couch while watching his kids play Legos a month ago. Fu@k this regime.
  10. Defense has pretty much done the best they can.
  11. That's what I'm referring to. He's using it as a weapon as far as I'm concerned.
  12. So how long is Gronkowski gonna sport that brace?
  13. Think he's a huge douche. Actively hates on Buffalo but secretly still loves the area. Fu@k Tide pods.
  14. My God, I hope they're wearing titanium cups.
  15. I'd like to know everyone's take on Gronkowski. Loved, hated, indifferent?
  16. Benjamin needs to go.
  17. "we need to get something going on offense"-McClappy Maybe you and Beane should have thought about that in the off-season.
  18. Maybe Goo Goo Dolls won't endorse this level of sh!t show.
  19. I'm a 90's guy but I absolutely hate Bush.
  20. Please God let Housley end up being a competent, innovative coach and Jason Botterill a savvy GM. We have to be compensated for this incompetence.
  21. This offense is embarrassing.
  22. Good hold but this defense is going to burn out soon.
  23. I would think the Peterman experiment would be over but I wouldn't be surprised if they went to him again. Cue the Benny Hill music.
  24. McCoy is their best receiver.
  25. Haha, I swear to God I was thinking WWE as well.
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